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Director's Message

We are pleased to present a rather detailed report on the scientific activities conducted by a group of 120 staff and visitors within the Atmospheric Chemistry Division of NCAR. As we are trying to serve the scientific community in the US and abroad, many of the specific projects presented in this report have been completed as a result of close collaborations with colleagues in universities and national laboratories.

Our emphases have been mostly on global problems, including the impact of the biosphere on the chemical composition of the atmosphere, tropospheric photochemistry in remote or moderately polluted environments, as well as middle atmosphere chemistry and dynamics. Approaches have included laboratory investigations, field measurements, data analyses, and modeling. Our research contributes directly to the objectives of the Global Tropospheric Chemistry Program (GTCP) of the National Science Foundation, and to the goals of several international scientific projects including the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) project of IGBP, and the Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate (SPARC) project of WCRP.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our past or future program, please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope very much to enhance our cooperation with other scientific groups, and to host a large number of scientific visitors to work on mutually beneficial projects.

Guy Brasseur