Atlas, Elliot, Walter Pollock, James Greenberg, Leroy Heidt, A. Thompson, 1993: Alkyl nitrates, nonmethane hydrocarbons, and halocarbon gases over the equatorial Pacific Ocean during SAGA 3. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Beig, G., Stacy Walters, Guy Brasseur, 1993: A two-dimensional model of ion composition in the stratosphere. I. Positive ions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Beig, G., Stacy Walters, Guy Brasseur, 1993: A two-dimensional model of ion composition in the stratosphere. II. Negative ions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Bottenheim, J., L. Barrie, Elliot Atlas, 1993: The partitioning of nitrogen oxides in the lower Arctic troposphere during spring 1988. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, OpenSky.
Brasseur, Guy, 1993: The response of the middle atmosphere to long-term and short-term solar variability: A two-dimensional model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Brasseur, Guy, 1993: Atmospheric chemistry at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, OpenSky.
Brasseur, Guy, 1993: Modeling of coupled chemistry and dynamics. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, OpenSky.
Calvert, Jack, Chris Cantrell, Richard Shetter, 1993: Effects of rapidly changing solar flux on peroxy radical determinations using photostationary state deviations. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, OpenSky.
Calvert, Jack, J. Heywood, R. Sawyer, J. Seinfeld, 1993: Achieving acceptable air quality: Some reflections on controlling vehicle emissions. Science, OpenSky.
Cantrell, Chris, Richard Shetter, Jack Calvert, D. Parrish, F. Fehsenfeld, P. Goldan, W. Kuster, E. Williams, H. Westberg, G. Allwine, R. Martin, 1993: Peroxy radicals as measured in rose and estimated from photostationary state deviations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Cantrell, Chris, Richard Shetter, Jack Calvert, Geoffrey Tyndall, John Orlando, 1993: Measurement of rate coefficients for the unimolecular decomposition of N₂O₅. Journal of Physical Chemistry, OpenSky.
Cantrell, Chris, Richard Shetter, John Lind, Anthony McDaniel, Jack Calvert, D. Parrish, F. Fehsenfeld, M. Buhr, M. Trainer, 1993: An improved chemical amplifier technique for peroxy radical measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Chen, J., J. Reynolds, Peter Harley, J. Tenhunen, 1993: Coordination theory of leaf nitrogen distribution in a canopy. Oecologia, OpenSky.
Clerbaux, C., R. Colin, P. Simon, Claire Granier, 1993: Infrared cross sections and global warming potentials of 10 alternative hydrohalocarbons. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Coffey, Michael, William Mankin, 1993: Observations of the loss of stratospheric NO₂ following volcanic eruptions. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Collins, J., G. Sachse, B. Anderson, Andrew Weinheimer, James Walega, Brian Ridley, 1993: AASE-II in-situ tracer correlations of methane, nitrous-oxide, and ozone as observed aboard the DC-8. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Davis, D., G. Chen, W. Chameides, J. Bradshaw, S. Sandholm, M. Rodgers, J. Schendal, Sasha Madronich, G. Sachse, G. Gregory, B. Anderson, J. Barrick, M. Shipham, J. Collins, L. Wade, D. Blake, 1993: A photostationary state analysis of the NO₂-NO system based on airborne observations from the subtropical tropical North and South Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Ennis, Christine, James Smith, Allan Lazrus, 1993: A preliminary study of the response of red spruce to O₃ and SO₂. Tellus Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, OpenSky.
Erickson, David, Brian Eaton, 1993: Global biogeochemical cycling estimates with CZCS satellite data and general circulation models. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Fried, Alan, Bruce Henry, J. Drummond, 1993: Tunable diode laser ratio measurements of atmospheric constituents by employing dual fitting analysis and jump scanning. Applied Optics, OpenSky.
Fried, Alan, Lee Klinger, David Erickson, 1993: Atmospheric carbonyl sulfide exchange in bog microcosms. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Gille, John, Paul Bailey, Cheryl Craig, 1993: Revised reference model for nitric acid. Advances in Space Research, OpenSky.
Granier, Claire, 1993: Stratospheric ozone depletion. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, OpenSky.
Greenberg, James, Patrick Zimmerman, B. Taylor, G. Silver, R. Fall, 1993: Sub-parts per billion detection of isoprene using a reduction gas detector with a portable gas chromatograph. Atmospheric Environment Part A: General Topics, OpenSky.
Guenther, Alex, Patrick Zimmerman, Peter Harley, R. Monson, R. Fall, 1993: Isoprene and monoterpene emission rate variability: Model evaluations and sensitivity analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Hess, Peter, D. Battisti, Philip Rasch, 1993: Maintenance of the intertropical convergence zones and the large-scale tropical circulation on a water-covered Earth. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Hess, Peter, H. Hendon, D. Battisti, 1993: The relationship between mixed Rossby gravity waves and convection in a general circulation model. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, OpenSky.
Huang, Theresa, Guy Brasseur, 1993: Effect of long-term solar variability in a two-dimensional interactive model of the middle atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Jacob, D., J. Logan, R. Yevich, G. Gardner, C. Spivakovsky, S. Wofsy, J. Munger, S. Sillman, M. Prather, M. Rodgers, H. Westberg, Patrick Zimmerman, 1993: Simulation of summertime ozone over North America. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Lodman, D., M. Branine, B. Carmean, Patrick Zimmerman, G. Ward, D. Johnson, 1993: Estimates of methane emissions from manure of U.S. cattle. Chemosphere, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, F. Degruijl, 1993: Skin cancer and UV radiation. Nature, OpenSky.
Manney, G., William Randel, 1993: Instability at the winter stratopause: A mechanism for the 4-day wave. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Orlando, John, Geoffrey Tyndall, Geert Moortgat, Jack Calvert, 1993: Quantum yields for nitrate radical photolysis between 570 and 635 nm. Journal of Physical Chemistry, OpenSky.
Parrish, D., C. Hahn, E. Williams, R. Norton, F. Fehsenfeld, H. Singh, J. Shetter, Bruce Gandrud, Brian Ridley, 1993: Reply to comment on "Indications of photochemical histories of Pacific air masses from measurements of atmospheric trace species at Point Arena, California". Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Pielke, Roger, David Schimel, T. Lee, Timothy Kittel, X. Zeng, 1993: Atmosphere-terrestrial ecosystem interactions: Implications for coupled modeling. Ecological Modelling, OpenSky.
Randel, William, 1993: Ideas flow on Antarctic vortex. Nature, OpenSky.
Randel, William, 1993: Global variations of zonal mean ozone during stratospheric warming events. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Randel, William, 1993: Global normal-mode Rossby waves observed in stratospheric ozone data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Randel, William, John Gille, A. Roche, J. Kumer, J. Mergenthaler, J. Waters, E. Fishbein, W. Lahoz, 1993: Stratospheric transport from the tropics to middle latitudes by planetary-wave mixing. Nature, OpenSky.
Sassi, Fabrizio, Rolando Garcia, Byron Boville, 1993: The stratopause semiannual oscillation in the NCAR Community Climate Model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Schauffler, Sue, Leroy Heidt, Walter Pollock, Timothy Gilpin, J. Vedder, S. Solomon, Richard Lueb, Elliot Atlas, 1993: Measurements of halogenated organic compounds near the tropical tropopause. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Sericano, J., T. Wade, J. Brooks, Elliot Atlas, R. Fay, D. Wilkinson, 1993: National status and trends mussel watch program: Chlordane-related compounds in Gulf of Mexico oysters, 1986-90. Environmental Pollution, OpenSky.
Solomon, S., R. Sanders, Rolando Garcia, J. Keys, 1993: Increased chlorine dioxide over Antarctica caused by volcanic aerosols from Mount Pinatubo. Nature, OpenSky.
Sturges, W., R. Schnell, G. Dutton, S. Garcia, John Lind, 1993: Spring measurements of tropospheric bromine at Barrow, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Thompson, A., J. Johnson, A. Torres, T. Bates, K. Kelly, Elliot Atlas, James Greenberg, N. Donahue, S. Yvon, E. Saltzman, B. Heikes, B. Mosher, A. Shashkov, V. Yegorov, 1993: Ozone observations and a model of marine boundary layer photochemistry during SAGA-3. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Tyndall, Geoffrey, T. Wallington, M. Hurley, W. Schneider, 1993: Rate coefficient for the reaction of hydroxymethyl radicals with chlorine and infrared spectra of chloromethanol and dichloromethanol. Journal of Physical Chemistry, OpenSky.
Weinheimer, Andrew, James Walega, Brian Ridley, G. Sachse, B. Anderson, J. Collins, 1993: Stratospheric NOy measurements on the NASA DC-8 during AASE-II. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Zimmerman, Patrick, Alex Guenther, Guy Brasseur, Michael Coffey, Elliot Atlas, Walter Pollock, Leroy Heidt, 1993: Atmospheric distributions, atmospheric fate and flux measurements of methyl-bromide. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, OpenSky.
There are 48 Journal Articles.
Brock, Mary, 1993: Evolution of chemical transformations in convection that has a trailing stratiform region [presentation]. OpenSky.
There are 1 Posters & Presentations.
Cantrell, Chris, Richard Shetter, A. McDaniel, Jack Calvert, 1993: Measurement methods for peroxy radicals in the atmosphere. Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, 1993: UV radiation in the natural and perturbed atmosphere. Environmental Effects of UV, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, 1993: The atmosphere and UV-B radiation at ground level. Environmental UV Photobiology, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, 1993: Tropospheric chemistry and its response to UV changes. The Role of the Stratosphere in Global Change, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, 1993: Trends and predictions in global UV. The Role of the Stratosphere in Global Change, OpenSky.
Westberg, H., Patrick Zimmerman, 1993: Analytical methods used to identify nonmethane organic compounds in ambient atmospheres. Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry, OpenSky.
There are 6 Other Documents.
There are 55 total publications.
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