Apel, Eric C., Jack G. Calvert, R. Zika, M. Rodgers, V. Aneja, J. Meagher, W. Lonneman, 1995: Hydrocarbon measurements during the 1992 Southern Oxidants Study Atlanta Intensive: Protocol and quality assurance. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, OpenSky.
Archer, S., David S. Schimel, Elisabeth Holland, 1995: Mechanisms of shrubland expansion: Land use, climate or CO₂. Climatic Change, OpenSky.
Avallone, L., D. Toohey, Sue Schauffler, Walter H. Pollock, Leroy E. Heidt, Elliot Atlas, K. Chan, 1995: In-situ measurements of BrO during AASE II. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Baldocchi, D., Peter Harley, 1995: Scaling carbon-dioxide and water-vapor exchange from leaf to canopy in a deciduous forest. II. Model testing and application. Plant Cell and Environment, OpenSky.
Baldocchi, D., Alex B. Guenther, P. Harley, L. Klinger, P. Zimmerman, B. Lamb, H. Westberg, 1995: The fluxes and air chemistry of isoprene above a deciduous hardwood forest. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Series A, Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, OpenSky.
Baldocchi, D., Peter Harley, 1995: Scaling carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange from leaf to canopy in a deciduous forest. II. Model testing and application. Plant, Cell and Environment, OpenSky.
Calvert, Jack G., 1995: Local oxidant problems and strategies for their abatement. Pure and Applied Chemistry, OpenSky.
Cantrell, Chris A., Richard E. Shetter, Jack G. Calvert, 1995: Comparison of peroxy radical concentrations at several contrasting sites. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Chanton, J., J. Bauer, P. Glaser, D. Siegel, C. Kelley, S. Tyler, E. Romanowicz, Allan L. Lazrus, 1995: Radiocarbon evidence for the substrates supporting methane formation within northern Minnesota peatlands. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, OpenSky.
Douglass, A., M. Schoeberl, R. Stolarski, J. Waters, J. Russell, A. Roche, Steven T. Massie, 1995: Interhemispheric differences in springtime production of HCl and ClONO₂ in the polar vortices. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Edwards, David P., John Gille, Paul L. Bailey, J. Barnett, 1995: Selection of sounding channels for the high-resolution dynamics limb sounder. Applied Optics, OpenSky.
Eisele, Fred, 1995: New insight and questions resulting from recent ion-assisted oh measurements. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Erickson, David J., R. Oglesby, S. Marshall, 1995: Climate response to indirect anthropogenic sulfate forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Folkins, I., Andrew Weinheimer, Brian A. Ridley, James G. Walega, B. Anderson, J. Collins, G. Sachse, R. Pueschel, D. Blake, 1995: O₃, NOy, and NOx/NOy in the upper troposphere of the equatorial Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Friedlingstein, P., I. Fung, Elisabeth Holland, J. John, Guy Brasseur, David J. Erickson, David S. Schimel, 1995: On the contribution of CO₂ fertilization to the missing biospheric sink. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, OpenSky.
Friedlingstein, P., K. Prentice, I. Fung, J. John, Guy Brasseur, 1995: Carbon-biosphere-climate interactions in the last glacial maximum climate. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Geron, C., T. Pierce, Alex B. Guenther, 1995: Reassessment of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in the Atlanta area. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Guenther, Alex B., Charles Nicholas Hewitt, David J. Erickson, R. Fall, C. Geron, T. Graedel, P. Harley, L. Klinger, M. Lerdau, W. Mckay, T. Pierce, B. Scholes, R. Steinbrecher, R. Tallamraju, J. Taylor, P. Zimmerman, 1995: A global model of natural volatile organic compound emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Harley, Peter, D. Baldocchi, 1995: Scaling carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange from leaf to canopy in a deciduous forest. I. Leaf model parametrization. Plant, Cell and Environment, OpenSky.
Harley, Peter, D. Baldocchi, 1995: Scaling carbon-dioxide and water-vapor exchange from leaf to canopy in a deciduous forest. I. Leaf model parametrization. Plant Cell and Environment, OpenSky.
Helmig, Detlev, Lee A. Vierling, 1995: Water-adsorption capacity of the solid adsorbents Tenax TA, Tenax GR, Carbotrap, Carbotrap C, Carbosieve SIII, and Carboxen 569 and water management-techniques for the atmospheric sampling of volatile organic trace gases. Analytical Chemistry, OpenSky.
Helmig, Detlev, James Greenberg, 1995: Artifact formation from the use of potassium-iodide-based ozone traps during atmospheric sampling of trace organic gases. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, OpenSky.
Hess, Peter, D. Osullivan, 1995: A three-dimensional modeling study of the extratropical quasi-biennial oscillation in ozone. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Holland, Elisabeth, A. Townsend, P. Vitousek, 1995: Variability in temperature regulation of CO₂ fluxes and n mineralization from 5 Hawaiian soils: Implications for a changing climate. Global Change Biology, OpenSky.
Huang, Theresa, Anne K. Smith, 1995: Dynamical and chemical feedback in a two-dimensional interactive model of the middle atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Kittel, Timothy G., Nan Rosenbloom, Thomas H. Painter, David S. Schimel, J. Melillo, Y. Pan, D. Kicklighter, A. McGuire, R. Neilson, J. Chaney, D. Ojima, R. McKeown, W. Parton, W. Pulliam, I. Prentice, A. Haxeltine, S. Running, L. Pierce, R. Nemani, E. Hunt, T. Smith, B. Rizzo, F. Woodward, 1995: The VEMAP integrated database for modelling United States ecosystem/vegetation sensitivity to climate change. Journal of Biogeography, OpenSky.
Kok, Gregory L., S. McLaren, Thomas Staffelbach, 1995: HPLC determination of atmospheric organic hydroperoxides. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, OpenSky.
Kull, A., E. Kopp, Guy Brasseur, C. Granier, 1995: Ions and electrons in the mesosphere: A model for the quiet D-region. Advances in Space Research, OpenSky.
Kuzma, J., M. Nemecekmarshall, Walter H. Pollock, R. Fall, 1995: Bacteria produce the volatile hydrocarbon isoprene. Current Microbiology, OpenSky.
Lamb, B., J. McManus, J. Shorter, C. Kolb, B. Mosher, Robert C. Harriss, E. Allwine, D. Blaha, T. Howard, Alex B. Guenther, R. Lott, R. Siverson, H. Westberg, P. Zimmerman, 1995: Development of atmospheric tracer methods to measure methane emissions from natural gas facilities and urban areas. Environmental Science & Technology, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, 1995: The radiation equation. Nature, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, R. McKenzie, M. Caldwell, L. Bjorn, 1995: Changes in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface. AMBIO, OpenSky.
Madronich, Sasha, X. Tang, 1995: Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on tropospheric composition and air quality. AMBIO, OpenSky.
Manney, G., R. Zurek, W. Lahoz, R. Harwood, John Gille, J. Kumer, J. Mergenthaler, A. Roche, A. Oneill, R. Swinbank, J. Waters, 1995: Lagrangian transport calculations using UARS data. Part I: Passive tracers. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Manney, G., L. Froidevaux, J. Waters, R. Zurek, John Gille, J. Kumer, J. Mergenthaler, A. Roche, A. Oneill, R. Swinbank, 1995: Formation of low-ozone pockets in the middle stratospheric anticyclone during winter. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Martin, P., Alex B. Guenther, 1995: Insights into the dynamics of forest succession and non-methane hydrocarbon trace gas emissions. Journal of Biogeography, OpenSky.
Martinerie, Patricia, Guy Brasseur, Claire Granier, 1995: The chemical composition of ancient atmospheres: A model study constrained by ice core data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Muller, J., Guy Brasseur, 1995: IMAGE: A 3-dimensional chemical-transport model of the global troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Neff, Jason, M. Keller, Elisabeth Holland, A. Weitz, E. Veldkamp, 1995: Fluxes of nitric oxide from soils following the clearing and burning of a secondary tropical rain forest. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Nevison, Cindy, R. Weiss, David J. Erickson, 1995: Global oceanic emissions of nitrous-oxide. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, OpenSky.
Orlando, John J., J. Burkholder, 1995: Gas-phase UV/visible absorption spectra of HOBr and Br₂O. Journal of Physical Chemistry, OpenSky.
Pan, Laura L., David P. Edwards, John Gille, Mark Smith, J. Drummond, 1995: Satellite remote-sensing of tropospheric CO and CH₄: Forward model studies of the MOPITT instrument. Applied Optics, OpenSky.
Paulson, S., John J. Orlando, Geoffrey S. Tyndall, Jack G. Calvert, 1995: Rate coefficients for the reactions of O(³P) with selected biogenic hydrocarbons. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, OpenSky.
Pham, M., J. Muller, Guy Brasseur, Claire Granier, G. Megie, 1995: A three-dimensional study of the tropospheric sulfur cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Portmann, R., G. Thomas, S. Solomon, Rolando R. García, 1995: The importance of dynamical feedbacks on doubled CO₂-induced changes in the thermal structure of the mesosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Randel, William, Fei Wu, J. Russell, J. Waters, L. Froidevaux, 1995: Ozone and temperature changes in the stratosphere following the eruption of Mount Pinatubo. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Randel, William, Fei Wu, 1995: TOMS total ozone trends in potential vorticity coordinates. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Rasch, Philip J., Byron A. Boville, Guy Brasseur, 1995: A three-dimensional general circulation model with coupled chemistry for the middle atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Simpson, D., Alex B. Guenther, C. Hewitt, R. Steinbrecher, 1995: Biogenic emissions in Europe. 1. Estimates and uncertainties. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Siskind, D., D. Strickland, R. Meier, T. Majeed, Francis G. Eparvier, 1995: On the relationship between the solar soft-x-ray flux and thermospheric nitric-oxide: An update with an improved photoelectron model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, OpenSky.
Smith, Anne K., 1995: Numerical simulation of global variations of temperature, ozone, and trace species in the stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Smith, Anne K., 1995: Impact of averaged photolysis rates on stratospheric chemical models. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Staffelbach, Thomas, John J. Orlando, Geoffrey S. Tyndall, Jack G. Calvert, 1995: The UV-visible absorption spectrum and photolysis quantum yields of methylglyoxal. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Tanner, David J., Fred Eisele, 1995: Present OH measurement limits and associated uncertainties. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Tie, X., Guy Brasseur, 1995: The response of stratospheric ozone to volcanic-eruptions: Sensitivity to atmospheric chlorine loading. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Trainer, M., Brian A. Ridley, M. Buhr, Gregory L. Kok, James G. Walega, G. Hubler, D. Parrish, F. Fehsenfeld, 1995: Regional ozone and urban plumes in the southeastern United States: Birmingham, a case-study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Tyndall, Geoffrey S., Thomas Staffelbach, John J. Orlando, Jack G. Calvert, 1995: Rate coefficients for the reactions of OH radicals with methylglyoxal and acetaldehyde. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, OpenSky.
Tyndall, Geoffrey S., John J. Orlando, Carla S. Kegley-Owen, 1995: Rate coefficients for quenching of cl(p-2(1/2)) by various atmospheric gases. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, OpenSky.
Tyndall, Geoffrey S., John J. Orlando, Jack G. Calvert, 1995: Upper limit for the rate coefficient for the reaction HO₂ + NO₂ → HONO + O₂. Environmental Science & Technology, OpenSky.
Wallington, T., John J. Orlando, Geoffrey S. Tyndall, 1995: Atmospheric chemistry of chloroalkanes: Intramolecular elimination of HCl from chloromethoxy radicals over the temperature-range 264-336 K. Journal of Physical Chemistry, OpenSky.
Weber, R., P. McMurry, Fred Eisele, David J. Tanner, 1995: Measurement of expected nucleation precursor species and 3-500-nm diameter particles at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Woodbridge, E., J. Elkins, D. Fahey, Leroy E. Heidt, S. Solomon, T. Baring, Timothy M. Gilpin, Walter H. Pollock, Sue Schauffler, Elliot Atlas, M. Loewenstein, J. Podolske, C. Webster, R. May, J. Gilligan, S. Montzka, K. Boering, R. Salawitch, 1995: Estimates of total organic and inorganic chlorine in the lower stratosphere from in-situ and flask measurements during AASE II. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Zepp, R., T. Callaghan, David J. Erickson, 1995: Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on biogeochemical cycles. AMBIO, OpenSky.
There are 63 Journal Articles.
Barth, Mary, David B. Parsons, 1995: Microphysical processes associated with intense frontal rainbands and the impact of evaporation and melting on frontal dynamics [presentation]. OpenSky.
Prusa, J., Piotr Smolarkiewicz, Rolando R. García, 1995: Gravity wave breaking near the mesopause: The role of dispersion [presentation]. OpenSky.
Rasmussen, Roy M., William A. Cooper, P. DeMott, D. Rogers, 1995: Ice initiation in wisp shallow upslope clouds [presentation]. OpenSky.
Szoke, Edward J., Roy M. Rasmussen, 1995: Experimental snowfall nowcasting to support ground deicing operations in the Denver area [presentation]. OpenSky.
There are 4 Posters & Presentations.
Brasseur, Guy, John Gille, Sasha Madronich, 1995: Ozone depletion. Future Climates of the World: A Modelling Perspective, OpenSky.
Najjar, R., D. Erickson, Sasha Madronich, 1995: Modeling the air-sea fluxes of gases formed from the decomposition of dissolved organic matter: Carbonyl sulfide and carbon monoxide. The Role of Nonliving Organic Matter in the Earth's Carbon Cycle, OpenSky.
There are 2 Other Documents.
There are 69 total publications.
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