Aumont, B., S. Szopa, Sasha Madronich, 2005: Modelling the evolution of organic carbon during its gas-phase tropospheric oxidation: Development of an explicit model based on self generating approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Bailey, S., Aimee Merkel, G. Thomas, J. Carstens, 2005: Observations of polar mesospheric clouds by the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Baker, B., J.-H Bai, Christine Johnson, Z.-T Cai, Q.-J Li, Y.-F Wang, Alex Guenther, James Greenberg, Lee Klinger, C. Geron, Roy Rasmussen, 2005: Wet and dry season ecosystem level fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a southeast Asian secondary forest and rubber tree plantation. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Barth, Mary, J. McFadden, Jielun Sun, Christine Wiedinmyer, P. Chuang, D. Collins, R. Griffin, M. Hannigan, Thomas Karl, Siwan Kim, S. Lasher-Trapp, Samuel Levis, M. Litvak, Natalie Mahowald, K. Moore, Sreela Nandi, E. Nemitz, A. Nenes, M. Potosnak, T. Raymond, James Smith, C. Still, Craig Stroud, 2005: Coupling between land ecosystems and the atmospheric hydrologic cycle through biogenic aerosol pathways. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.
Beres, Jadwiga, Rolando Garcia, Byron Boville, Fabrizio Sassi, 2005: Implementation of a gravity wave source spectrum parameterization dependent on the properties of convection in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Bessagnet, B., Alma Hodzic, O. Blanchard, M. Lattuati, O. Le Bihan, H. Marfaing, L. Rouil, 2005: Origin of particulate matter pollution episodes in wintertime over the Paris Basin. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Chen, G., L. Huey, M. Trainer, D. Nicks, J. Corbett, T. Ryerson, D. Parrish, J. Neuman, J. Nowak, D. Tanner, J. Holloway, C. Brock, J. Crawford, Jerry Olson, A. Sullivan, R. Weber, Sue Schauffler, S. Donnelly, Elliot Atlas, J. Roberts, Frank Flocke, G. Hubler, F. Fehsenfeld, 2005: An investigation of the chemistry of ship emission plumes during ITCT 2002. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Deeter, Merritt, Jothiram Vivekanandan, 2005: AMSU-B observations of mixed-phase clouds over land. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, OpenSky.
Del Grosso, S., W. Parton, A. Mosier, Elisabeth Holland, E. Pendall, David Schimel, D. Ojima, 2005: Modeling soil CO₂ emissions from ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, OpenSky.
Ewen, , R. Grainger, Alyn Lambert, A. Baran, 2005: Infrared radiative transfer modelling in a 3D scattering cloudy atmosphere: Application to limb sounding measurements of cirrus. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, OpenSky.
Faloona, Ian, Donald Lenschow, Teresa Campos, B. Stevens, M. VanZanten, B. Blomquist, D. Thornton, A. Bandy, H. Gerber, 2005: Observations of entrainment in eastern Pacific marine stratocumulus using three conserved scalars. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Fisher, F., M. King, Julia Lee-Taylor, 2005: Extinction of UV-visible radiation in wet midlatitude (maritime) snow: Implications for increased NOx emission. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Flocke, Frank, Andy Weinheimer, Aaron Swanson, J. Roberts, R. Schmitt, Stephen Shertz, 2005: On the measurement of PANs by gas chromatography and electron capture detection. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, OpenSky.
Garcia, Rolando, R. Lieberman, J. Russell, M. Mlynczak, 2005: Large-scale waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere observed by SABER. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Goering, D., Tristan L'Ecuyer, Graeme Stephens, James Slusser, Gwen Scott, John Davis, James Barnard, Sasha Madronich, 2005: Simultaneous retrievals of column ozone and aerosol optical properties from direct and diffuse solar irradiance measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Goldman, A., A. Barbe, Vl Tyuterev, M. De Backer-Barilly, James Hannigan, Michael Coffey, C. Rinsland, R. Blatherwick, 2005: Identification of enhanced absorption by 16O3 lines around 5 mm in high-resolution FTIR solar spectra. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, OpenSky.
Greenberg, James, Alex Guenther, Andrew Turnipseed, 2005: Marine organic halide and isoprene emissions near Mace Head, Ireland. Environmental Chemistry, OpenSky.
Hanson, Dave, 2005: Mass accommodation of H₂SO₄ and CH₃SO₃H on water-sulfuric acid solutions from 6% to 97% RH. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, OpenSky.
Ho, Shu-peng, David Edwards, John Gille, Jarmei Chen, Daniel Ziskin, Gene Francis, Merritt Deeter, James Drummond, 2005: Estimates of 4.7 mm surface emissivity and their impact on the retrieval of tropospheric carbon monoxide by Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT). Journal of Geophysical Research, OpenSky.
Hodzic, Alma, R. Vautard, B. Bessagnet, M. Lattuati, F. Moreto, 2005: Long-term urban aerosol simulation versus routine particulate matter observations. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Holland, Elisabeth, Alex Guenther, Julia Lee-Taylor, S. Bertman, M. Carroll, P. Shepson, J. Sparks, 2005: U.S. nitrogen science plan focuses collaborative efforts. Eos, OpenSky.
Holland, Elisabeth, B. Braswell, J. Sulzman, Jean-Francois Lamarque, 2005: Nitrogen deposition onto the United States and western Europe: Synthesis of observations and models. Ecological Applications, OpenSky.
Jacob, D., B. Field, Q. Li, D. Blake, J. de Gouw, C. Warneke, A. Hansel, A. Wisthaler, H. Singh, Alex Guenther, 2005: Global budget of methanol: Constraints from atmospheric observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Jacquinet-Husson, N., N. Scott, A. Chedin, K. Garceran, R. Armante, A. Chursin, A. Barbe, M. Birk, L. Brown, C. Camy-Peyret, C. Claveau, C. Clerbaux, P. Coheur, V. Dana, L. Daumont, M. Debacker-Barilly, J. Flaud, A. Goldman, A. Hamdouni, M. Hess, D. Jacquemart, P. Koepke, J. Mandin, Steven Massie, S. Mikhailenko, V. Nemtchinov, A. Nikitin, D. Newnham, A. Perrin, V. Perevalov, L. Regalia-Jarlot, A. Rublev, F. Schreier, I. Schult, K. Smith, S. Tashkun, J. Teffo, R. Toth, Vl Tyuterev, J. Vander Auwera, P. Varanasi, G. Wagner, 2005: The 2003 edition of the GEISA/IASI spectroscopic data base. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, OpenSky.
Jensen, E., L. Pfister, T. Bui, Andrew Weinheimer, E. Weinstock, James Smith, J. Pittman, Darrel Baumgardner, P. Lawson, M. McGill, 2005: Formation of a tropopause cirrus layer observed over Florida during CRYSTAL-FACE. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Jobson, B., C. Berkowitz, W. Kuster, P. Goldan, E. Williams, F. Fesenfeld, Eric Apel, T. Karl, W. Lonneman, D. Riemer, 2005: Hydrocarbon source signatures in Houston, Texas: Influence of the petrochemical industry. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Karl, Thomas, Peter Harley, Alex Guenther, Roy Rasmussen, B. Baker, K. Jardine, E. Nemitz, 2005: The bi-directional exchange of oxygenated VOCs between a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation and the atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Karl, Thomas, F. Harren, C. Warneke, J. de Gouw, C. Grayless, R. Fall, 2005: Senescing grass crops as regional sources of reactive volatile organic compounds. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Khattatov, B., M. Murphy, M. Gnedin, J. Sheffel, J. Adams, B. Cruickshank, Valery Yudin, T. Fuller-rowell, J. Retterer, 2005: Ionospheric nowcasting via assimilation of GPS measurements of ionospheric electron content in a global physics-based time-dependent model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, OpenSky.
Kim, Siwan, Chin-Hoh Moeng, Jeffrey Weil, Mary Barth, 2005: Lagrangian particle dispersion modeling of the fumigation process using large-eddy simulation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.
Knorr, W., I. Prentice, J. House, Elisabeth Holland, 2005: Long-term sensitivity of soil carbon turnover to warming. Nature, OpenSky.
Konopka, P., R. Spang, G. Gunther, R. Muller, Daniel Mckenna, D. Offermann, M. Riese, 2005: How homogeneous and isotropic is stratospheric mixing? Comparison of CRISTA-1 observations with transport studies based on the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS). Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, OpenSky.
Laepple, T., M. Schultz, Jean- Francois Lamarque, Sasha Madronich, Richard Shetter, B. Lefer, Elliot Atlas, 2005: Improved albedo formulation for chemistry-transport models based on satellite observations and assimilated snow data and its impact on tropospheric photochemistry. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Lamarque, Jean-Francois, Paul Hess, Louisa Emmons, Lawrence Buja, Warren Washington, C. Granier, 2005: Tropospheric ozone evolution between 1890 and 1990. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Lamarque, Jean-Francois, Jeff Kiehl, Peter Hess, William Collins, Louisa Emmons, P. Ginoux, C. Luo, Xuexi Tie, 2005: Response of a coupled chemistry-climate model to changes in aerosol emissions: Global impact on the hydrological cycle and the tropospheric burdens of OH, ozone and NO[x]. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Lamarque, Jean-Francois, Jeffrey Kiehl, Guy Brasseur, T. Butler, P. Cameron-Smith, W. Collins, W. Collins, C. Granier, D. Hauglustaine, Peter Hess, Elisabeth Holland, Larry Horowitz, M. Lawrence, Daniel McKenna, P. Merilees, M. Prather, Philip Rasch, D. Rotman, D. Shindell, P. Thornton, 2005: Assessing future nitrogen deposition and carbon cycle feedback using a multi-model approach: Analysis of nitrogen deposition. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Langematz, U., J. Grenfell, Katja Matthes, P. Mieth, M. Kunze, B. Steil, C. Bruhl, 2005: Chemical effects in 11-year solar cycle simulations with the Freie Universitat Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model with online chemistry (FUB-CMAM-CHEM). Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Lee-Taylor, Julia, K. Redeker, 2005: Reevaluation of global emissions from rice paddies of methyl iodide and other species. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Li, G., R. Zhang, J. Fan, Xue Tie, 2005: Impacts of black carbon aerosol on photolysis and ozone. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Liu, C.-H, Dennis Leung, Mary Barth, 2005: On the prediction of air and pollutant exchange rates in street canyons of different aspect ratios using large-eddy simulation. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Liu, J., J. Drummond, Q. Li, John Gille, Daniel Ziskin, 2005: Satellite mapping of CO emission from forest fires in Northwest America using MOPITT measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, OpenSky.
Livingston, J., B. Schmid, P. Russell, J. Eilers, R. Kolyer, J. Redemann, S. Ramirez, J. Yee, W. Swartz, C. Trepte, L. Thomason, M. Pitts, M. Avery, C. Randall, J. Lumpe, R. Bevilacqua, M. Bittner, T. Erbertseder, R. Mcpeters, Richard Shetter, E. Browell, J. Kerr, K. Lamb, 2005: Retrieval of ozone column content from airborne sun photometer measurements during SOLVE II: Comparison with coincident satellite and aircraft measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Lyjak, Larry, Valery Yudin, 2005: Diagnostics of the large-scale mixing properties from stratospheric analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Mahieu, E., R. Zander, P. Duchatelet, James Hannigan, Michael Coffey, S. Mikuteit, F. Hase, T. Blumenstock, A. Wiacek, K. Strong, J. Taylor, R. Mittermeier, H. Fast, C. Boone, S. McLeod, K. Walker, P. Bernath, C. Rinsland, 2005: Comparisons between ACE-FTS and ground-based measurements of stratospheric HC1 and ClONO₂ loadings at northern latitudes. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Matsunaga, S., Christine Wiedinmyer, Alex Guenther, John Orlando, T. Karl, D. Toohey, J. Greenberg, Y. Kajii, 2005: Isoprene oxidation products are a significant atmospheric aerosol component. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Matsunaga, Sou, S. Kato, A. Yoshino, James Greenberg, Y. Kaji, Alex Guenther, 2005: Gas-aerosol partitioning of semi volatile carbonyls in polluted atmosphere in Hachioji, Tokyo. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
McMurry, P., M. Fink, H. Sakurai, M. Stolzenburg, Roy Mauldin, James Smith, Fred Eisele, K. Moore, S. Sjostedt, D. Tanner, L. Huey, J. Nowak, E. Edgerton, D. Voisin, 2005: A criterion for new particle formation in the sulfur-rich Atlanta atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans and Atmospheres, OpenSky.
McMurry, P., Fred Eisele, 2005: Preface to topical collection on new particle formation in Atlanta. Journal of Geophysical Research, OpenSky.
Miyazaki, Y., Y. Kondo, N. Takegawa, R. Weber, M. Koike, K. Kita, M. Fukuda, Y. Ma, A. Clarke, V. Kapustin, Frank Flocke, Andrew Weinheimer, M. Zondlo, Fred Eisele, D. Blake, B. Liley, 2005: Contribution of particulate nitrate to airborne measurements of total reactive nitrogen. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Monson, R., J. Sparks, T. Rosenstiel, L. Scott-Denton, T. Huxman, Peter Harley, Andrew Turnipseed, Sean Burns, B. Backlund, J. Hu, 2005: Climatic influences on net ecosystem CO₂ exchange during the transition from wintertime carbon source to springtime carbon sink in a high-elevation, subalpine forest. Oecologia, OpenSky.
Morita, A., M. Sugiyama, S. Koda, David Hanson, 2005: Reply to "Comment on 'Mass accommodation coefficient of water: Molecular dynamics simulation and revised analysis of droplet train/flow reactor experiment'". Journal of Physical Chemistry B, OpenSky.
Neuman, J., D. Parrish, T. Ryerson, C. Brock, Christine Wiedinmyer, G. Frost, J. Holloway, F. Fehsenfeld, 2005: Nitric acid loss rates measured in power plant plumes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Nevison, C., R. Keeling, R. Weiss, B. Popp, X. Jin, P. Fraser, L. Porter, P. Hess, 2005: Southern ocean ventilation inferred from seasonal cycles of atmospheric N&₂O and O₂/N₂ at Cape Grim, Tasmania. Tellus Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, OpenSky.
Offermann, D., M. Jarisch, M. Donner, J. Oberheide, I. Wohltmann, Rolando Garcia, Daniel Marsh, B. Naujokat, P. Winkler, 2005: Middle atmosphere summer duration as an indicator of long-term circulation changes. Advances in Space Research, OpenSky.
Orlando, John, Geoffrey Tyndall, E. Betterton, J. Lowry, S. Stegall, 2005: Atmospheric chemistry of hydrazoic acid (HN₃): UV absorption spectrum, HO reaction rate, and reactions of the N₃ radical. Environmental Science & Technology, OpenSky.
Orlando, John, Charles Piety, J. Nicovich, Michael McKee, Paul Wine, 2005: Rates and mechanisms for the reactions of chlorine atoms with iodoethane and 2-iodopropane. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, OpenSky.
Park, Rokjin, Daniel Jacob, Paul Palmer, Anthony Clarke, Rodney Weber, Mark Zondlo, Fred Eisele, Alan Bandy, Donald Thornton, Glen Sachse, Tami Bond, 2005: Export efficiency of black carbon aerosol in continental outflow: Global implications. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Pegoraro, E., A. Rey, James Greenberg, Peter Harley, J. Grace, Y. Malhi, Alex Guenther, 2005: Effect of drought on isoprene emission rates from leaves of Quercus virginiana Mill. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Pfister, Gabriele, John Gille, Daniel Ziskin, Gene Francis, David Edwards, Merritt Deeter, E. Abbott, 2005: Effects of a spectral surface reflectance on measurements of backscattered solar radiation: Application to the MOPITT methane retrieval. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, OpenSky.
Pfister, Gabriele, Peter Hess, Louisa Emmons, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Christine Wiedinmyer, David Edwards, G. Petron, John Gille, G. Sachse, 2005: Quantifying CO emissions from the 2004 Alaskan wildfires using MOPITT CO data. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Randel, William, Fei Wu, 2005: Kelvin wave variability near the equatorial tropopause observed in GPS radio occultation measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Ren, X., W. Brune, Chris Cantrell, Gavin Edwards, T. Shirley, A. Metcalf, R. Lesher, 2005: Hydroxyl and peroxy radical chemistry in a rural area of central Pennsylvania: Observations and model comparisons. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, OpenSky.
Ridley, Brian, K. Pickering, James Dye, 2005: Comments on the parameterization of lightning-produced NO in global chemistry-transport models. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Rinsland, Curtis, Aaron Goldman, Emmanuel Mahieu, Rodolphe Zander, Linda Chiou, James Hannigan, Stephen Wood, James Elkins, 2005: Long-term evolution in the tropospheric concentration of chlorofluorocarbon 12 (CCl₂F₂) derived from high-spectral resolution infrared solar absorption spectra: Retrieval and comparison with in situ surface measurements. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, OpenSky.
Rothman, L., D. Jacquemart, A. Barbe, D. Benner, M. Birk, L. Brown, M. Carleer, C. Chackerian, K. Chance, L. Coudert, V. Dana, V. Devi, J. Flaud, R. Gamache, A. Goldman, J. Hartmann, K. Jucks, A. Maki, J. Mandin, Steven Massie, J. Orphal, A. Perrin, C. Rinsland, M. Smith, J. Tennyson, R. Tolchenov, R. Toth, J. Vander Auwera, P. Varanasi, G. Wagner, 2005: The HITRAN 2004 molecular spectroscopic database. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, OpenSky.
Russell, P., J. Livingston, B. Schmid, J. Eilers, R. Kolyer, J. Redemann, S. Ramirez, J. Yee, W. Swartz, Richard Shetter, C. Trepte, A. Risley, B. Wenny, J. Zawodny, W. Chu, M. Pitts, J. Lumpe, M. Fromm, C. Randall, K. Hoppel, R. Bevilacqua, 2005: Aerosol optical depth measurements by airborne sun photometer in SOLVE II: Comparisons to SAGE III, POAM III and airborne spectrometer measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Sakurai, H., M. Fink, P. McMurry, Lee Mauldin, Katharine Moore, James Smith, Fred Eisele, 2005: Hygroscopicity and volatility of 4-10 nm particles during summertime atmospheric nucleation events in urban Atlanta. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Sassi, Fabrizio, Byron Boville, Douglas Kinnison, Rolando Garcia, 2005: The effects of interactive ozone chemistry on simulations of the middle atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Seidel, Dian, James Angell, Bruce Hicks, Alan Robock, Karin Labitzke, John Lanzante, V. Ramaswamy, Jennifer Logan, Jerry Mahlman, William Randel, Eugene Rasmusson, Rebecca Ross, S. Singer, 2005: Jim Angell's contributions to meteorology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.
Shindell, D., G. Faluvegi, Louisa Emmons, 2005: Inferring carbon monoxide pollution changes from space-based observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Slusher, Darlene, L. Huey, David Tanner, Frank Flocke, James Roberts, 2005: A thermal dissociation-chemical ionization mass spectrometry (TD-CIMS) technique for the simultaneous measurement of peroxyacyl nitrates and dinitrogen pentoxide. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Smith, Anne, Daniel Marsh, 2005: Processes that account for the ozone maximum at the mesopause. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Smith, James, Katherine Moore, Fred Eisele, D. Voisin, A. Ghimire, H. Sakurai, P. McMurry, 2005: Chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles during nucleation events in Atlanta. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Stolzenburg, M., P. McMurry, H. Sakurai, James Smith, R. Mauldin, Fred Eisele, C. Clement, 2005: Growth rates of freshly nucleated atmospheric particles in Atlanta. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Stroud, Craig, Paul Makar, Thomas Karl, Alex Guenther, Chris Geron, Andrew Turnipseed, Eiko Nemitz, Brad Baker, Mark Potosnak, Jose Fuentes, 2005: Role of canopy-scale photochemistry in modifying biogenic-atmosphere exchange of reactive terpene species: Results from the CELTIC field study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Swanson, A., Barry Lefer, Verity Stroud, Elliot Atlas, 2005: Trace gas emissions through a winter snowpack in the subalpine ecosystem at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.
Swartz, W., Jaimi Yee, Richard Shetter, Samuel Hall, Barry Lefer, J. Livingston, P. Russell, E. Browell, M. Avery, 2005: Column ozone and aerosol optical properties retrieved from direct solar irradiance measurements during SOLVE II. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Szopa, S., B. Aumont, Sasha Madronich, 2005: Assessment of the reduction methods used to develop chemical schemes: Building of a new chemical scheme for VOC oxidation suited to three-dimensional multiscale HOx-NOx-VOC chemistry simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Tie, Xue, Sasha Madronich, Stacy Walters, David Edwards, P. Ginoux, Natalie Mahowald, R. Zhang, C. Lou, Guy Brasseur, 2005: Assessment of the global impact of aerosols on tropospheric oxidants. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Tie, Xue, Guy Brasseur, C. Zhao, C. Granier, Steven Massie, Y. Qin, P. Wang, G. Wang, P. Yang, A. Richter, 2005: Chemical characterization of air pollution in Eastern China and the Eastern United States. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Trenberth, Kevin, John Fasullo, Lesley Smith, 2005: Trends and variability in column-integrated atmospheric water vapor. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.
Trenberth, Kevin, Lesley Smith, 2005: The mass of the atmosphere: A constraint on global analyses. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.
Trenberth, Kevin, David Stepaniak, Lesley Smith, 2005: Interannual variability of patterns of atmospheric mass distribution. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.
Vila-Guerau de Arellano, J., S.-W. Kim, Mary Barth, Edward Patton, 2005: Transport and chemical transformations influenced by shallow cumulus over land. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.
Wang, X., D. Mauzerall, Y. Hu, A. Russell, E. Larson, J. Wood, D. Streets, Alex Guenther, 2005: A high-resolution emission inventory for eastern China: 2000 and three 2020 scenarios. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Wiedinmyer, Christine, James Greenberg, Alex Guenther, B. Hopkins, K. Baker, C. Geron, P. Palmer, B. Long, J. Turner, Gabrielle Pétron, Peter Harley, T. Pierce, B. Lamb, H. Westberg, William Baugh, M. Koerber, M. Janssen, 2005: Ozarks isoprene experiment (OZIE): Measurements and modeling of the "isoprene volcano". Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
Wu, D., Xue Tie, C. Li, Z. Ying, A. Lau, J. Huang, X. Deng, X. Bi, 2005: An extremely low visibility event over the Guangzhou region: A case study. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Wu, D., Xue Tie, C. Li, Z. Ying, A. Lau, J. Huang, X. Deng, X. Bi, 2005: An extremely low visibility event over the Gungzhou region: A case study. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.
Xu, J., Anne Smith, Qian Wu, 2005: A retrieval algorithm for satellite remote sensing of the nighttime global distribution of the sodium layer. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, OpenSky.
Xu, Jiyao, Anne Smith, 2005: Evaluation of processes that affect the photochemical timescale of the sodium layer. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, OpenSky.
Yi, Chuixiang, Russell Monson, Zhiqiang Zhai, Dean Anderson, Brian Lamb, Gene Allwine, Andrew Turnipseed, Sean Burns, 2005: Modeling and measuring the nocturnal drainage flow in a high-elevation, subalpine forest with complex terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.
There are 91 Journal Articles.
Kazil, J., E. Lovejoy, Mary Barth, K. O'Brien, 2005: Assessing the response of aerosol nucleation, cloud parameters, and radiative forcing over oceans to variations in galactic cosmic ray intensity [presentation]. OpenSky.
Kim, D., C. Wang, A. Ekman, Mary Barth, Phil Rasch, 2005: Impact of chemical compositions and size distributions of anthropogenic aerosols on their radiative forcings: a modeling study using an interactive aerosol-climate model based on NCAR CAM3 [poster]. OpenSky.
Leriche, M., S. Cautenet, Mary Brock, 2005: Modeling of the July 10 STERAO storm with the RAMS model: Tracer transport and impact of microphysics scheme in the framework of the WMO cloud modeling workshop investigating chemistry transport in deep convection [poster]. OpenSky.
Monson, R., C. Yi, D. Anderson, Jielun Sun, B. Lamb, Andrew Turnipseed, Sean Burns, Britton Stephens, G. Allwine, A. Delany, Steven Oncley, 2005: Observational uncertainties in net ecosystem CO₂ exchange [presentation]. OpenSky.
Ridley, Brian, K. Pickering, James Dye, 2005: On the Parameterization of Lightning-Produced NO in Global Chemistry-Transport Models [presentation]. OpenSky.
Skamarock, William, George Bryan, Richard Rotunno, Mary Brock, 2005: The resolution dependence of explicitly modeled convection [poster]. OpenSky.
Sun, J., Sean Burns, T. Delaney, Steven Oncley, Andrew Turnipseed, Britton Stephens, R. Monson, D. Anderson, 2005: CO₂ transport over complex terrain [presentation]. OpenSky.
Sun, Jielun, Sean Burns, A. Delaney, Steven Oncley, Andrew Turnipseed, Britton Stephens, R. Monson, D. Anderson, 2005: Trace gas transport over complex terrain [presentation]. OpenSky.
Wang, C., Mary Barth, 2005: The impact of lightning-produced NOx on atmospheric chemistry in the upper troposphere: A modeling study of the 10 July 1996 STERAO case [presentation]. OpenSky.
There are 9 Posters & Presentations.
Cope, Jason, Craig Hartsough, Peter Thornton, Henry Tufo, Nathan Wilhelmi, Matthew Woitaszek, 2005: GRID-BGC: A grid-enabled terrestrial carbon cycle modeling system. Euro-par 2005 Parallel Processing, Proceedings, OpenSky.
Emmons, Louisa, Claire Granier, Guy Brasseur, 2005: Importance of chemistry for climate. Observed Global Climate, OpenSky.
Gilleland, Eric, Rick Katz, Greg Young, 2005: Extremes toolkit (extRemes): Weather and climate applications of extreme value statistics. OpenSky.
Smith, James, Katharine Moore, Fred Eisele, A. Ghimire, Takashi Sakurai, Peter McMurry, 2005: Recent insights into the formation and chemical composition of atmospheric nanoparticles from the aerosol nucleation and realtime characterization experiment. Nanotechnology and the Environment: Applications and Implications, OpenSky.
Velders, G., Sasha Madronich, 2005: Chemical and radiative effects of halocarbons and their replacement compounds. IPCC Special Report on Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System: Issues related to Hydrofluorocarbons and Perfluorocarbons, OpenSky.
There are 5 Other Documents.
There are 105 total publications.
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