ACOM Publications: Calendar Year 2016

Journal Articles

Abalos, Marta, William J. Randel, Thomas Birner, 2016: Phase-speed spectra of eddy tracer fluxes linked to isentropic stirring and mixing in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Abalos, Marta, Bernard Legras, Emily Shuckburgh, 2016: Interannual variability in effective diffusivity in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere from reanalysis data. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Adams, Amanda, Allison. Steiner, Christine Wiedinmyer, 2016: The Earth Science Women’s Network (ESWN): Community-driven mentoring for women in the atmospheric sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Alexeeff, Stacey, Gabriele Pfister, Doug Nychka, 2016: A Bayesian model for quantifying the change in mortality associated with future ozone exposures under climate change. Biometrics, OpenSky.

Alman, Breanna, Gabriele Pfister, Hua Hao, Jennifer Stowell, Xuefei Hu, Yang Liu, Matthew Strickland, 2016: The association of wildfire smoke with respiratory and cardiovascular emergency department visits in Colorado in 2012: A case crossover study. Environmental Health, OpenSky.

Ancellet, Gerard, Nikos Daskalakis, Jean Christophe Raut, David Tarasick, Jonathan Hair, Boris Quennehen, François Ravetta, Hans Schlager, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Anne M. Thompson, Bryan Johnson, Jennie L. Thomas, Katharine S. Law, 2016: Analysis of the latitudinal variability of tropospheric ozone in the Arctic using the large number of aircraft and ozonesonde observations in early summer 2008. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Anderson, Daniel, Julie Nicely, Ross Salawitch, Timothy Canty, Russell Dickerson, Thomas Hanisco, Glenn Wolfe, Eric Apel, Eliot Atlas, Thomas Bannan, Stephane Bauguitte, Nicola Blake, James Bresch, Teresa Campos, Lucy Carpenter, Mark Cohen, Mathew Evans, Rafael Fernandez, Brian Kahn, Douglas Kinnison, Samuel Hall, Neil Harris, Rebecca Hornbrook, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Michael Le Breton, James Lee, Carl Percival, Leonhard Pfister, R. Pierce, Daniel Riemer, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Barbara Stunder, Anne Thompson, Kirk Ullmann, Adam Vaughan, Andrew Weinheimer, 2016: A pervasive role for biomass burning in tropical high ozone/low water structures. Nature Communications, OpenSky.

Andersson, M. E., P. T. Verronen, D. R. Marsh, S.-M. Päivärinta, J. M. C. Plane, 2016: WACCM-D-Improved modeling of nitric acid and active chlorine during energetic particle precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Andrady, Anthony, Pieter Aucamp, Amy Austin, Alkiviadis Bais, Carlos Ballare, Paul Barnes, Germar Bernhard, Lars Bjorn, Janet Bornman, David Erickson, Frank de Gruijl, Donat Hader, Mohammad Ilyas, Janice Longstreth, Robyn Lucas, Sasha Madronich, Richard McKenzie, Rachel Neale, Mary Norval, Krishna Pandey, Nigel Paul, Halim Redhwi, Sharon Robinson, Kevin Rose, Min Shao, Rajeshwar Sinha, Keith Solomon, Barbara Sulzberger, Yukio Takizawa, Ayako Torikai, Kleareti Tourpali, Craig Williamson, Stephen Wilson, Sten-Ake Wangberg, Robert Worrest, Antony Young, Richard Zepp, 2016: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2015. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, OpenSky.

Andrews, Stephen J., Lucy J. Carpenter, Eric C. Apel, Elliot Atlas, Valeria Donets, James R. Hopkins, Rebecca S. Hornbrook, Alastair C. Lewis, Richard T. Lidster, Richard Lueb, Jamie Minaeian, Maria Navarro, Shalini Punjabi, Daniel Riemer, Sue Schauffler, 2016: A comparison of very short lived halocarbon (VSLS) and DMS aircraft measurements in the tropical west Pacific from CAST, ATTREX and CONTRAST. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, OpenSky.

Archer Nicholls, Scott, Douglas Lowe, David Schultz, Gordon McFiggans, 2016: Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in a regional coupled model: The effects of convective parameterisation and resolution. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Archer-Nicholls, Scott, Ellison Carter, Rajesh Kumar, Qingyang Xiao, Yang Liu, Joseph Frostad, Mohammad H. Forouzanfar, Aaron Cohen, Michael Brauer, Jill Baumgartner, Christine Wiedinmyer, 2016: The regional impacts of cooking and heating emissions on ambient air quality and disease burden in China. Environmental Science & Technology, OpenSky.

Bai, Jianhui, Tiffany Duhl, Nan Hao, 2016: Biogenic volatile compound emissions from a temperate forest, China: Model simulation. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, OpenSky.

Bai, Jianhui, Alex Guenther, Andrew Turnipseed, Tiffany Duhl, Shuquan Yu, Bin Wang, 2016: Seasonal variations in whole-ecosystem BVOC emissions from a subtropical bamboo plantation in China. Atmospheric Environment Part A: General Topics, OpenSky.

Baidar, Sunil, Natalie Kille, Ivan Ortega, Roman Sinreich, David Thomson, James Hannigan, Rainer Volkamer, 2016: Development of a digital mobile solar tracker. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, OpenSky.

Ball, William T., Aleš Kuchař, Eugene V. Rozanov, Johannes Staehelin, Fiona Tummon, Anne K. Smith, Timofei Sukhodolov, Andrea Stenke, Laura Revell, Ancelin Coulon, Werner Schmutz, Thomas Peter, 2016: An upper-branch Brewer-Dobson circulation index for attribution of stratospheric variability and improved ozone and temperature trend analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Bardeen, Charles G., Daniel R. Marsh, C. H. Jackman, M. E. Hervig, C. E. Randall, 2016: Impact of the January 2012 solar proton event on polar mesospheric clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Barre, Jerome, David Edwards, Helen Worden, Avelino Arellano, Benjamin Gaubert, Arlindo da Silva, William Lahoz, Jeffrey Anderson, 2016: On the feasibility of monitoring carbon monoxide in the lower troposphere from a constellation of northern hemisphere geostationary satellites: Global scale assimilation experiments (Part II). Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.

Barth, Mary, M. Bela, Alan Fried, P. Wennberg, J. Crounse, J. St. Clair, N. Blake, D. Blake, C. Homeyer, W. Brune, L. Zhang, J. Mao, X. Ren, T. Ryerson, I. Pollack, J. Peischl, R. Cohen, B. Nault, L. Huey, X. Liu, C. Cantrell, 2016: Convective transport and scavenging of peroxides by thunderstorms observed over the central U.S. during DC3. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Bauwens, Maite, Trissevgeni Stavrakou, Jean-Francois Muller, Isabelle De Smedt, Michel Van Roozendael, Guido van der Werf, Christine Wiedinmyer, Johannes Kaiser, Katerina Sindelarova, Alex Guenther, 2016: Nine years of global hydrocarbon emissions based on source inversion of OMI formaldehyde observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Bela, Megan, Mary Barth, Owen Toon, Alan Fried, Cameron Homeyer, Hugh Morrison, Kristin Cummings, Yunyao Li, Kenneth Pickering, Dale Allen, Qing Yang, Paul Wennberg, John Crounse, Jason St. Clair, Alex Teng, Daniel O'Sullivan, L. Huey, Dexian Chen, Xiaoxi Liu, Donald Blake, Nicola Blake, Eric Apel, Rebecca Hornbrook, Frank Flocke, Teresa Campos, Glenn Diskin, 2016: Wet scavenging of soluble gases in DC3 deep convective storms using WRF-Chem simulations and aircraft observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Bergman, John, Eric Jensen, Leonhard Pfister, Thaopaul Bui, 2016: Air parcel trajectory dispersion near the tropical tropopause. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Bodeker, G. E., S. Bojinski, D. Cimini, R. J. Dirksen, M. Haeffelin, James W. Hannigan, D. F. Hurst, T. Leblanc, F. Madonna, M. Maturilli, A. C. Mikalsen, R. Philipona, T. Reale, D. J. Seidel, D. G. H. Tan, P. W. Thorne, H. Vömel, J. Wang, 2016: Reference upper-air observations for climate: From concept to reality. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Buchholz, Rebecca, C. Paton-Walsh, D. Griffith, D. Kubistin, C. Caldow, J. Fisher, N. Deutscher, G. Kettlewell, M. Riggenbach, R. Macatangay, P. Krummel, R. Langenfelds, 2016: Source and meteorological influences on air quality (CO, CH₄ & CO₂) at a Southern Hemisphere urban site. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.

Cai, Chenxia, Sarika Kulkami, Zhan Zhao, Ajith Kaduwela, Jeremy Avise, John DaMassa, Hanwant Singh, Andrew Weinheimer, Ronald Cohen, Glenn Diskin, Paul Wennberg, Jack Dibb, Greg Huey, Armin Wisthaler, Jose Jimenez, Michael Cubison, 2016: Simulating reactive nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and ozone in California during ARCTAS-CARB 2008 with high wildfire activity. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.

Carter, Ellison, Scott Archer Nicholls, Kun Ni, Alexandra Lai, Hongjiang Niu, Matthew Secrest, Sara Sauer, James Schauer, Majid Ezzati, Christine Wiedinmyer, Xudong Yang, Jill Baumgartner, 2016: Seasonal and diurnal air pollution from residential cooking and space heating in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology, OpenSky.

Chan, A., N. Kreisberg, T. Hohaus, P. Campuzano-Jost, Y. Zhao, D. Day, Lisa Kaser, Thomas Karl, A. Hansel, A. Teng, C. Ruehl, D. Sueper, J. Jayne, D. Worsnop, J. Jimenez, S. Hering, A. Goldstein, 2016: Speciated measurements of semivolatile and intermediate volatility organic compounds (S/IVOCs) in a pine forest during BEACHON-RoMBAS 2011. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Chang, Luyu, Jianming Xu, Xuexi Tie, Jianbin Wu, 2016: Impact of the 2015 El Nino event on winter air quality in China. Scientific Reports, OpenSky.

Chen, Dexian, L. Gregory Huey, David J. Tanner, Ross J. Salawitch, Daniel C. Anderson, Pamela A. Wales, Laura L. Pan, Elliot L. Atlas, Rebecca S. Hornbrook, Eric C. Apel, Nicola J. Blake, Teresa L. Campos, Valeria Donets, Frank M. Flocke, Samuel R. Hall, Thomas F. Hanisco, Alan J. Hills, Shawn B. Honomichl, Jørgen B. Jensen, Lisa Kaser, Denise D. Montzka, Julie M. Nicely, J. Michael Reeves, Daniel D. Riemer, Sue M. Schauffler, Kirk Ullmann, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Glenn M. Wolfe, 2016: Airborne measurements of BrO and the sum of HOBr and Br2 over the Tropical West Pacific from 1 to 15 km during the CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Chubb, T., Y. Huang, Jorgen Jensen, Teresa Campos, S. Siems, M. Manton, 2016: Observations of high droplet number concentrations in Southern Ocean boundary layer clouds. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Coburn, Sean, Barbara Dix, Eric Edgerton, Christopher Holmes, Douglas Kinnison, Qing Liang, Arnout ter Schure, Siyuan Wang, Rainer Volkamer, 2016: Mercury oxidation from bromine chemistry in the free troposphere over the southeastern US. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Corr, C., L. Ziemba, A. Scheuer, B. Anderson, A. Beyersdorf, G. Chen, E. Crosbie, R. Moore, M. Shook, K. Thornhill, E. Winstead, R. Lawson, Mary Barth, J. Schroeder, D. Blake, J. Dibb, 2016: Observational evidence for the convective transport of dust over the Central United States. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Crippa, P., S. Castruccio, Scott Archer-Nicholls, G. B. Lebron, M. Kuwata, A. Thota, S. Sumin, E. Butt, Christine Wiedinmyer, D. V. Spracklen, 2016: Population exposure to hazardous air quality due to the 2015 fires in Equatorial Asia. Scientific Reports, OpenSky.

Cullens, Chihoko, Scott England, Rolando Garcia, 2016: The 11 year solar cycle signature on wave-driven dynamics in WACCM. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, OpenSky.

Dammers, Enrico, Mathias Palm, Martin Van Damme, Corinne Vigouroux, Dan Smale, Stephanie Conway, Geoffrey C. Toon, Nicholas Jones, Eric Nussbaumer, Thorsten Warneke, Christof Petri, Lieven Clarisse, Cathy Clerbaux, Christian Hermans, Erik Lutsch, Kim Strong, James W. Hannigan, Hideaki Nakajima, Isamu Morino, Beatriz Herrera, Wolfgang Stremme, Michel Grutter, Martijn Schaap, Roy J. Wichink Kruit, Justus Notholt, Pierre-F. Coheur, Jan Willem Erisman, 2016: An evaluation of IASI-NH₃ with ground-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Davis, Nicholas A., Dian J. Seidel, Thomas Birner, Sean M. Davis, Simone Tilmes, 2016: Changes in the width of the tropical belt due to simple radiative forcing changes in the GeoMIP simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Dawkins, E. C. M., J. M. C. Plane, M. P. Chipperfield, W. Feng, D. R. Marsh, J. Höffner, D. Janches, 2016: Solar cycle response and long-term trends in the mesospheric metal layers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, OpenSky.

Deeter, Merritt N., Sara Martinez-Alonso, L. V. Gatti, M. Gloor, J. B. Miller, L. G. Domingues, C. S. C. Correia, 2016: Validation and analysis of MOPITT CO observations of the Amazon Basin. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, OpenSky.

Dickinson, Katherine L., Andrew J. Monaghan, Isaac J. Rivera, Leiqiu Hu, Ernest Kanyomse, Rex Alirigia, James Adoctor, Rachael E. Kaspar, Abraham Rexford Oduro, Christine Wiedinmyer, 2016: Changing weather and climate in Northern Ghana: Comparison of local perceptions with meteorological and land cover data. Regional Environmental Change, OpenSky.

Dingle, Justin, Kennedy Vu, Roya Bahreini, Eric Apel, Teresa Campos, Frank Flocke, Alan Fried, Scott Herndon, Alan Hills, Rebecca Hornbrook, Greg Huey, Lisa Kaser, Denise Montzka, John Nowak, Mike Reeves, Dirk Richter, Joseph Roscioli, Stephen Shertz, Meghan Stell, David Tanner, Geoffrey Tyndall, ames Walega, Petter Weibring, Andrew Weinheimer, 2016: Aerosol optical extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014 summertime field campaign, Colorado, USA. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Duderstadt, Katharine, Jack Dibb, Nathan Schwadron, Harlan Spence, Stanley Solomon, Valery Yudin, Charles Jackman, Cora Randall, 2016: Nitrate ion spikes in ice cores not suitable as proxies for solar proton events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Eckert, E., A. Laeng, S. Lossow, S. Kellmann, G. Stiller, T. von Clarmann, N. Glatthor, M. Hopfner, M. Kiefer, H. Oelhaf, J. Orphal, B. Funke, U. Grabowski, F. Haenel, A. Linden, G. Wetzel, W. Woiwode, P. Bernath, C. Boone, G. Dutton, J. Elkins, A. Engel, John Gille, F. Kolonjari, T. Sugita, G. Toon, K. Walker, 2016: MIPAS IMK/IAA CFC-11 (CCl3F) and CFC-12 (CCl2F2) measurements: Accuracy, precision and long-term stability. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, OpenSky.

Ern, Manfred, Quang Trinh, Martin Kaufmann, Isabell Krisch, Peter Preusse, Jorn Ungermann, Yajun Zhu, John Gille, Martin Mlynczak, James Russell, Michael Schwartz, Martin Riese, 2016: Satellite observations of middle atmosphere gravity wave absolute momentum flux and of its vertical gradient during recent stratospheric warmings. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Field, Robert, Guido van der Werf, Thierry Fanin, Eric Fetzer, Ryan Fuller, Hiren Jethva, Robert Levy, Nathaniel Livesey, Ming Luo, Omar Torres, Helen Worden, 2016: Indonesian fire activity and smoke pollution in 2015 show persistent nonlinear sensitivity to El Niño-induced drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, OpenSky.

Flynn, Clare Marie, Kenneth E. Pickering, James H. Crawford, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Glenn Diskin, K. Lee Thornhill, Christopher Loughner, Pius Lee, Sarah A. Strode, 2016: Variability of O3 and NO2 profile shapes during DISCOVER-AQ: Implications for satellite observations and comparisons to model-simulated profiles. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.

Franco, B., E. Mahieu, Louisa Emmons, Z. Tzompa-Sosa, E. Fischer, K. Sudo, B. Bovy, S. Conway, D. Griffin, James Hannigan, K. Strong, K. Walker, 2016: Evaluating ethane and methane emissions associated with the development of oil and natural gas extraction in North America. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Fried, Alan, Mary Barth, M. Bela, P. Weibring, D. Richter, J. Walega, Y. Li, K. Pickering, Eric Apel, Rebecca Hornbrook, Alan Hills, D. Riemer, N. Blake, D. Blake, J. Schroeder, Z. Luo, J. Crawford, J. Olson, S. Rutledge, D. Betten, M. Biggerstaff, G. Diskin, G. Sachse, Teresa Campos, Frank Flocke, Andrew Weinheimer, C. Cantrell, I. Pollack, J. Peischl, K. Froyd, A. Wisthaler, T. Mikoviny, S. Woods, 2016: Convective transport of formaldehyde to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and associated scavenging in thunderstorms over the central United States during the 2012 DC3 study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Fu, Dejian, Kevin Bowman, Helen Worden, Vijay Natraj, John Worden, Shanshan Yu, Pepijn Veefkind, Ilse Aben, Jochen Landgraf, Larrabee Strow, Yong Han, 2016: High-resolution tropospheric carbon monoxide profiles retrieved from CrIS and TROPOMI. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, OpenSky.

Garcia, Rolando, Manuel López-Puertas, Bernd Funke, Douglas Kinnison, Daniel Marsh, Liying Qian, 2016: On the secular trend of COx and CO₂ in the lower thermosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Garny, Hella, William Randel, 2016: Transport pathways from the Asian monsoon anticyclone to the stratosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Gaubert, Benjamin, A. Arellano, Jerome Barre, Helen Worden, Louisa Emmons, Simone Tilmes, Rebecca Buchholz, Francis Vitt, Kevin Raeder, Nancy Collins, Jeffrey Anderson, Christine Wiedinmyer, Sara Martinez-Alonso, David Edwards, M. Andreae, James Hannigan, C. Petri, K. Strong, N. Jones, 2016: Toward a chemical reanalysis in a coupled chemistry-climate model: An evaluation of MOPITT CO assimilation and its impact on tropospheric composition. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Geron, Chris, Ryan Daly, Peter Harley, Rei Rasmussen, Roger Seco, Alex Guenther, Thomas Karl, Lianhong Gu, 2016: Large drought-induced variations in oak leaf volatile organic compound emissions during PINOT NOIR 2012. Chemosphere, OpenSky.

Ghude, Sachin, D. Chate, C. Jena, G. Beig, Rajesh Kumar, Mary Barth, Gabriele Pfister, S. Fadnavis, Prakash Pithani, 2016: Premature mortality in India due to PM₂.₅ and ozone exposure. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Gratz, L.E., J.L. Ambrose, D.A. Jaffe, C. Knote, L. Jaeglé, N.E. Selin, Teresa Campos, Frank M. Flocke, John M. Reeves, Daniel Stechman, Meghan Stell, Andrew J. Weinheimer, David J. Knapp, Denise D. Montzka, Geoffrey S. Tyndall, R.L. Mauldin, C.A. Cantrell, Eric C. Apel, Rebecca S. Hornbrook, N.J. Blake, 2016: Airborne observations of mercury emissions from the Chicago/Gary urban/industrial area during the 2013 NOMADSS campaign. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.

Halliday, Hannah S., Anne M. Thompson, Armin Wisthaler, Donald R. Blake, Rebecca S. Hornbrook, Tomas Mikoviny, Markus Müller, Philipp Eichler, Eric C. Apel, Alan J. Hills, 2016: Atmospheric benzene observations from oil and gas production in the Denver-Julesburg Basin in July and August 2014. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Helmig, Detlev, Samuel Rossabi, Jacques Hueber, Pieter Tans, Stephen Montzka, Ken Masarie, Kirk Thoning, Christian Plass-Duelmer, Anja Claude, Lucy Carpenter, Alastair Lewis, Shalini Punjabi, Stefan Reimann, Martin Volmer, Rainer Steinbrecher, James Hannigan, Louisa Emmons, Emmanuel Mahieu, Bruno Franco, Dan Smale, Andrea Pozzer, 2016: Reversal of global atmospheric ethane and propane trends largely due to US oil and natural gas production. Nature Geoscience, OpenSky.

Hodshire, Anna L., Michael J. Lawler, Jun Zhao, John Ortega, Coty Jen, Taina Yli-Juuti, Jared F. Brewer, Jack K. Kodros, Kelley C. Barsanti, Dave R. Hanson, Peter H. McMurry, James N. Smith, Jeffery R. Pierce, 2016: Multiple new-particle growth pathways observed at the US DOE Southern Great Plains field site. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Hodzic, Alma, Prasad Kasibhatla, Duseong Jo, Christopher Cappa, Jose Jimenez, Sasha Madronich, Rokjin Park, 2016: Rethinking the global secondary organic aerosol (SOA) budget: stronger production, faster removal, shorter lifetime. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Hornbrook, Rebecca, Alan Hills, Daniel Riemer, Aroob Abdelhamid, Frank M. Flocke, Samuel Hall, L Huey, David Knapp, Jin Liao, Roy Mauldin, Denise Montzka, John Orlando, Paul Shepson, Barkley Sive, Ralf Staebler, David Tanner, Chelsea Thompson, Andrew Turnipseed, Kirk Ullmann, Andrew Weinheimer, Eric Apel, 2016: Arctic springtime observations of volatile organic compounds during the OASIS-2009 campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Huntrieser, H., M. Lichtenstern, M. Scheibe, H. Aufmhoff, H. Schlager, T. Pucik, A. Minikin, B. Weinzierl, K. Heimerl, D. Fütterer, B. Rappenglück, L. Ackermann, K. Pickering, K. Cummings, M. Biggerstaff, D. Betten, Shawn Honomichl, Mary Barth, 2016: On the origin of pronounced O₃ gradients in the thunderstorm outflow region during DC3. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Huntrieser, H., M. Lichtenstern, M. Scheibe, H. Aufmhoff, H. Schlager, T. Pucik, A. Minikin, B. Weinzierl, K. Heimerl, I. Pollack, J. Peischl, T. Ryerson, Andrew Weinheimer, Shawn Honomichl, Brian Ridley, M. Biggerstaff, D. Betten, J. Hair, C. Butler, M. Schwartz, Mary Barth, 2016: Injection of lightning-produced NOx, water vapor, wildfire emissions, and stratospheric air to the UT/LS as observed from DC3 measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Jackman, Charles H., Daniel Marsh, Douglas Kinnison, Christopher Mertens, Eric Fleming, 2016: Atmospheric changes caused by galactic cosmic rays over the period 1960-2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Jiang, Zhe, John Worden, Vivienne Payne, Liye Zhu, Emily Fischer, Thomas Walker, Dylan Jones, 2016: Ozone export from East Asia: The role of PAN. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Jiang, Zhe, Kazuyuki Miyazaki, John Worden, Jane Liu, Dylan Jones, Daven Henze, 2016: Impacts of anthropogenic and natural sources on free tropospheric ozone over the Middle East. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Kanu, A., L. Comfort, T. Guilderson, P. Cameron-Smith, D. Bergmann, E. Atlas, Sue Schauffler, K. Boering, 2016: Measurements and modeling of contemporary radiocarbon in the stratosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Karakurt Cevik, B., A. Rutter, L. Gong, R. Griffin, J. Flynn, B. Lefer, Siwan Kim, 2016: Airmass aging metrics derived from particle and other measurements near Fort Worth. Atmospheric Environment, OpenSky.

Kasoar, Matthew, Apostolos Voulgarakis, Jean-François Lamarque, Drew T. Shindell, Nicolas Bellouin, William J. Collins, Greg Faluvegi, Kostas Tsigaridis, 2016: Regional and global temperature response to anthropogenic SO2 emissions from China in three climate models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Kim, J., L. Ahlm, T. Yli-Juuti, Michael Lawler, H. Keskinen, J. Trostl, S. Schobesberger, J. Duplissy, A. Amorim, F. Bianchi, N. Donahue, R. Flagan, J. Hakala, M. Heinritzi, T. Jokinen, A. Kurten, A. Laaksonen, K. Lehtipalo, P. Miettinen, T. Petaja, M. Rissanen, L. Rondo, K. Sengupta, M. Simon, A. Tome, C. Williamson, D. Wimmer, P. Winkler, S. Ehrhart, P. Ye, J. Kirkby, J. Curtius, U. Baltensperger, M. Kulmala, K. Lehtinen, James Smith, I. Riipinen, A. Virtanen, 2016: Hygroscopicity of nanoparticles produced from homogeneous nucleation in the CLOUD experiments. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Kim, Joowan, William Randel, Thomas Birner, Marta Abalos, 2016: Spectrum of wave forcing associated with the annual cycle of upwelling at the tropical tropopause. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Kim, S.-W., M. C. Barth, M. Trainer, 2016: Impact of turbulent mixing on isoprene chemistry. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Kodros, John K, Christine Wiedinmyer, Bonne Ford, Rachel Cucinotta, Ryan Gan, Sheryl Magzamen, Jeffrey R Pierce, 2016: Global burden of mortalities due to chronic exposure to ambient PM2.5 from open combustion of domestic waste. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Kodros, John, Rachel Cucinotta, David Ridley, Christine Wiedinmyer, Jeffrey Pierce, 2016: The aerosol radiative effects of uncontrolled combustion of domestic waste. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Kourtchev, Ivan, Ricardo H. M. Godoi, Sarah Connors, James G. Levine, Alex T. Archibald, Ana F. L. Godoi, Sarah L. Paralovo, Cybelli G. G. Barbosa, Rodrigo A. F. Souza, Antonio O. Manzi, Roger Seco, Steve Sjostedt, Jeong-Hoo Park, Alex Guenther, Saewung Kim, James Smith, Scot T. Martin, Markus Kalberer, 2016: Molecular composition of organic aerosols in central Amazonia: an ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Kovács, Tamás, John M. C. Plane, Wuhu Feng, Tibor Nagy, Martyn P. Chipperfield, Pekka T. Verronen, Monika E. Andersson, David A. Newnham, Mark A. Clilverd, Daniel R. Marsh, 2016: D-region ion-neutral coupled chemistry (Sodankylä Ion Chemistry, SIC) within the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM 4) -- WACCM-SIC and WACCM-rSIC. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Kravitz, Ben, Alex B. Guenther, Lianhong Gu, Thomas Karl, Lisa Kaser, Stephen G. Pallardy, Josep Peñuelas, Mark J. Potosnak, Roger Seco, 2016: A new paradigm of quantifying ecosystem stress through chemical signatures. Ecosphere, OpenSky.

Kravitz, Ben, Alan Robock, Simone Tilmes, 2016: New paths in geoengineering. Eos, OpenSky.

Kren, A., Daniel Marsh, Anne Smith, P. Pilewskie, 2016: Wintertime northern hemisphere response in the stratosphere to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

La, Y., M. Camredon, P. Ziemann, R. Valorso, A. Matsunaga, V. Lannuque, Julia Lee-Taylor, Alma Hodzic, Sasha Madronich, B. Aumont, 2016: Impact of chamber wall loss of gaseous organic compounds on secondary organic aerosol formation: Explicit modeling of SOA formation from alkane and alkene oxidation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Lamare, M., Julia Lee-Taylor, M. King, 2016: The impact of atmospheric mineral aerosol deposition on the albedo of snow & sea ice: are snow and sea ice optical properties more important than mineral aerosol optical properties?. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Lawler, Michael J., Paul M. Winkler, Jaeseok Kim, Lars Ahlm, Jasmin Tröstl, Arnaud P. Praplan, Siegfried Schobesberger, Andreas Kürten, Jasper Kirkby, Federico Bianchi, Jonathan Duplissy, Armin Hansel, Tuija Jokinen, Helmi Keskinen, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Markus Leiminger, Tuukka Petäjä, Matti Rissanen, Linda Rondo, Mario Simon, Mikko Sipilä, Christina Williamson, Daniela Wimmer, Ilona Riipinen, Annele Virtanen, James N. Smith, 2016: Unexpectedly acidic nanoparticles formed in dimethylamine–ammonia–sulfuric-acid nucleation experiments at CLOUD. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Li, Jingyi, Jingqiu Mao, Kyung-Eun Min, Rebecca A. Washenfelder, Steven S. Brown, Jennifer Kaiser, Frank N. Keutsch, Rainer Volkamer, Glenn M. Wolfe, Thomas F. Hanisco, Ilana B. Pollack, Thomas B. Ryerson, Martin Graus, Jessica B. Gilman, Brian M. Lerner, Carsten Warneke, Joost A. de Gouw, Ann M. Middlebrook, Jin Liao, André Welti, Barron H. Henderson, V. Faye McNeill, Samuel R. Hall, Kirk Ullmann, Leo J. Donner, Fabien Paulot, Larry W. Horowitz, 2016: Observational constraints on glyoxal production from isoprene oxidation and its contribution to organic aerosol over the Southeast United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

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Verronen, P., M. Andersson, Daniel Marsh, T. Kovács, J. Plane, 2016: WACCM-D Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with D-region ion chemistry. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

Vu, Kennedy T., Justin H. Dingle, Roya Bahreini, Patrick J. Reddy, Eric C. Apel, Teresa L. Campos, Joshua P. DiGangi, Glenn S. Diskin, Alan Fried, Scott C. Herndon, Alan J. Hills, Rebecca S. Hornbrook, Greg Huey, Lisa Kaser, Denise D. Montzka, John B. Nowak, Sally E. Pusede, Dirk Richter, Joseph R. Roscioli, Glen W. Sachse, Stephen Shertz, Meghan Stell, David Tanner, Geoffrey S. Tyndall, James Walega, Peter Weibring, Andrew J. Weinheimer, Gabriele Pfister, Frank Flocke, 2016: Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on regional air quality and aerosol formation in the Colorado Front Range during FRAPPÉ 2014. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Wang, Yuting, Nicholas Deutscher, Mathias Palm, Thorsten Warneke, Justus Notholt, Ian Baker, Joe Berry, Parvadha Suntharalingam, Nicholas Jones, Emmanuel Mahieu, Bernard Lejeune, James Hannigan, Stephanie Conway, Joseph Mendonca, Kimberly Strong, J. Campbell, Adam Wolf, Stefanie Kremser, 2016: Towards understanding the variability in biospheric CO₂ fluxes: Using FTIR spectrometry and a chemical transport model to investigate the sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide and its link to CO₂. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Ward, D.S., E. Shevliakova, S. Malyshev, Jean-Francois Lamarque, A.T. Wittenberg, 2016: Variability of fire emissions on interannual to multi-decadal timescales in two Earth System models. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Wespes, Catherine, Daniel Hurtmans, Louisa Emmons, Sarah Safieddine, Cathy Clerbaux, David Edwards, Pierre-François Coheur, 2016: Ozone variability in the troposphere and the stratosphere from the first 6 years of IASI observations (2008-2013). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

West, J., Aaron Cohen, Frank Dentener, Bert Brunekreef, Tong Zhu, Ben Armstrong, Michelle Bell, Michael Brauer, Gregory Carmichael, Dan Costa, Douglas Dockery, Michael Kleeman, Michal Krzyzanowski, Nino Künzli, Catherine Liousse, Shih-Chun Lung, Randall Martin, Ulrich Pöschl, C. PopeIII, James Roberts, Armistead Russell, Christine Wiedinmyer, 2016: What we breathe impacts our health: Improving understanding of the link between air pollution and health. Environmental Science & Technology, OpenSky.

Xia, L., A. Robock, Simone Tilmes, Ryan Neely, 2016: Stratospheric sulfate geoengineering could enhance the terrestrial photosynthesis rate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Xu, Ruiguang, Guiqian Tang, Yuesi Wang, Xue Tie, 2016: Analysis of a long-term measurement of air pollutants (2007-2011) in North China Plain (NCP); Impact of emission reduction during the Beijing Olympic Games. Chemosphere, OpenSky.

Ye, Chunxiang, Xianliang Zhou, Dennis Pu, Jochen Stutz, James Festa, Max Spolaor, Catalina Tsai, Christopher Cantrell, Roy Mauldin, Teresa Campos, Andrew Weinheimer, Rebecca Hornbrook, Eric Apel, Alex Guenther, Lisa Kaser, Bin Yuan, Thomas Karl, Julie Haggerty, Samuel Hall, Kirk Ullmann, James Smith, John Ortega, Christoph Knote, 2016: Rapid cycling of reactive nitrogen in the marine boundary layer. Nature, OpenSky.

Yeung, Laurence Y., Lee T. Murray, Jeanine L. Ash, Edward D. Young, Kristie A. Boering, Elliot L. Atlas, Sue M. Schauffler, Richard A. Lueb, Ray L. Langenfelds, Paul. B. Krummel, L. Paul Steele, Sebastian D. Eastham, 2016: Isotopic ordering in atmospheric O2 as a tracer of ozone photochemistry and the tropical atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Yu, Pengfei, Owen Toon, Charles Bardeen, Anthony Bucholtz, Karen Rosenlof, Pablo Saide Peralta, Arlindo Da Silva, Luke Ziemba, Kenneth Thornhill, Jose-Luis Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Joshua Schwarz, Anne Perring, Karl Froyd, N. Wagner, Michael Mills, Jeffrey Reid, 2016: Surface dimming by the 2013 Rim Fire simulated by a sectional aerosol model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Zanchettin, Davide, Myriam Khodri, Claudia Timmreck, Matthew Toohey, Anja Schmidt, Edwin P. Gerber, Gabriele Hegerl, Alan Robock, Francesco S.R. Pausata, William T. Ball, Susanne E. Bauer, Slimane Bekki, Sandip S. Dhomse, Allegra N. LeGrande, Graham W. Mann, Lauren Marshall, Michael Mills, Marion Marchand, Ulrike Niemeier, Virginie Poulain, Eugene Rozanov, Angelo Rubino, Andrea Stenke, Kostas Tsigaridis, Fiona Tummon, 2016: The Model Intercomparison Project on the climatic response to Volcanic forcing (VolMIP): Experimental design and forcing input data for CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Zhang, Kai, William J. Randel, Rong Fu, 2016: Relationships between outgoing longwave radiation and diabatic heating in reanalyses. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Zhang, Yuzhong, Yuhang Wang, Gao Chen, Charles Smeltzer, James Crawford, Jennifer Olson, James Szykman, Andrew Weinheimer, David Knapp, Denise Montzka, Armin Wisthaler, Tomas Mikoviny, Alan Fried, Glenn Diskin, 2016: Large vertical gradient of reactive nitrogen oxides in the boundary layer: Modeling analysis of DISCOVER-AQ 2011 observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Zhao, Chun, Maoyi Huang, Jerome Fast, Larry Berg, Yun Qian, Alex Guenther, Dasa Gu, Manish Shrivastava, Ying Liu, Stacy Walters, Gabriele Pfister, Jiming Jin, John Shilling, Carsten Warneke, 2016: Sensitivity of biogenic volatile organic compounds to land surface parameterizations and vegetation distributions in California. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Zhu, Xun, Jeng-Hwa Yee, Ming Cai, William Swartz, Lawrence Coy, Valentina Aquila, Rolando Garcia, Elsayed Talaat, 2016: Diagnosis of middle-atmosphere climate sensitivity by the climate feedback–response analysis method. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

de la Cámara Illescus, Alvaro, F. Lott, Marta Abalos, 2016: Climatology of the middle atmosphere in LMDz: Impact of source-related parameterizations of gravity wave drag. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

There are 170 Journal Articles.

Posters & Presentations

Aquino, Janine, William Brown, Theresa Campos, William Cooper, Michael Daniels, 2016: One approach to ensuring that data analysis projects and research reports are reproducible. OpenSky.

Buchholz, Rebecca, David Edwards, Merritt Deeter, Helen Worden, Louisa Emmons, Nicholas Jones, Clare Paton-Walsh, Nicholas Deutscher, Voltaire Velazco, David Griffith, John Robinson, Dan Smale, 2016: Investigating transported and local carbon monoxide in the southern hemisphere with satellite and ground-based remote sensing [presentation]. OpenSky.

Deeter, Merritt N., Louisa K. Emmons, Sara Martinez-Alonso, Christine Wiedinmyer, Avelino F. Arellano, E.V. Fischer, L. GonzĂĄlez-Alonso, M. Val Martin, L.V. Gatti, J.B. Miller, M. Gloor, L.G. Domingues, C.S.D.C. Correia, 2016: Progress towards improved MOPITT-based biomass burning emission inventories for the Amazon Basin. OpenSky.

Francis, Gene, Karen Cady-Pereira, Helen M. Worden, Mark Shephard, Dejian , 2016: Toward a multi-decadal record of satellite CO from MOPITT to Suomi NPP/CrIS: Overview and initial results. OpenSky.

Gaubert, Benjamin, Jérôme Barré, Avelino Arellano, Louisa Emmons, Simone Tilmes, Helen Worden, Rebecca Buchholz, Christine Wiedinmyer, Francis Vitt, Sara Martinez-Alonso, David Edwards, Kevin Raeder, Jeffrey Anderson, 2016: A DART / CAM-Chem reanalysis of MOPITT observations [presentation]. OpenSky.

Gaubert, Benjamin, Avelino Arellano, Jerome Barre, Louisa Emmons, Simone Tilmes, Helen Worden, Rebecca Buchholz, Christine Wiedinmyer, Francis Vitt, Sara Martinez-Alonso, David Edwards, Kevin Raeder, Jeffrey Anderson, 2016: 10 years of MOPITT reanalysis [presentation]. OpenSky.

Gaubert, Benjamin, Jerome Barre, Avelino Arellano, Helen M. Worden, Louisa K. Emmons, Simone Tilmes, Sara Martinez-Alonso, Jeffrey L. Anderson, David P. Edwards, 2016: Overview of the NCAR-MOPITT reanalysis, investigation of chemical error correlations. OpenSky.

Hornbrook, Rebecca, Eric Apel, Nicola Blake, Alan Hills, Eliot Atlas, Britton B. Stephens, Colm Sweeney, Eric Kort, Martin Hoeker-Martinez, 2016: VOC observations over the Southern Ocean during ORCAS. OpenSky.

Martinez-Alonso, Sara, Merritt N. Deeter, Jerome Barre, Helen M. Worden, 2016: Characterization of satellite-based carbon monoxide surface retrievals from MOPITT. OpenSky.

Martínez-Alonso, Sara, Merritt N. Deeter, Helen M. Worden, Debbie Mao, 2016: Clear-sky performance of MOPITT retrievals using MODIS collection 6 Cloud Mask products. OpenSky.

McInerney, Joseph, Hanli Liu, Stanley Solomon, Benjamin Foster, Liying Qian, Wenbin Wang, Art Richmond, Astrid Maute, Gang Lu, Michael Wiltberger, Daniel Marsh, Francis Vitt, 2016: Upcoming release of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model - eXtended (WACCM-X). OpenSky.

Park, Mijeong, William Randel, Louisa Emmons, Shawn Honomichl, Peter Bernath, Kaley Walker, Chris Boone, 2016: ACE-FTS observations of short-lived reactive species in the UTLS [presentation]. OpenSky.

Rieckh, Therese, Richard A. Anthes, William Randel, Shu-Peng Ho, Ulrich Foelsche, 2016: Tropospheric dry layers in the Tropical Western Pacific: Comparisons of GPS radio occultation with multiple data sets. OpenSky.

Schreiner, William S., Richard A. Anthes, John J. Braun, Shu-Peng Ho, Douglas C. Hunt, Ying-Hwa Kuo, Hui Liu, Nicholas Pedatella, Sergey Sokolovskiy, Teresa M. Vanhove, Tae-Kwon Wee, Jan Weiss, Xinan Yue, Jun Zeng, 2016: GNSS RO retrieval science and science applications with FORMOSAT7/COSMIC2. OpenSky.

Stell, Meghan, Teresa Campos, 2016: Comparison of Front Range and East Coast power plant emissions using airborne measurement instrumentation aboard the NSF NCAR C-130 [poster]. OpenSky.

Weiss, Jan, William S. Schreiner, Sergey Sokolovskiy, Ying-Hwa Kuo, John J. Braun, Douglas C. Hunt, Nicholas Pedatella, Xinan Yue, Shu-Peng Ho, Jun Zeng, Tae-Kwon Wee, Teresa M. Vanhove, 2016: The COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center (CDAAC): Current data processing status and science highlights. OpenSky.

Ziskin, Daniel, 2016: MOPITT in LANCE. OpenSky.

Ziskin, Daniel, Helen M. Worden, Merritt Deeter, Debbie Yuhua Mao, Garth D'Attilo, Carl W. Drews, Timothy Eugene Fredrick, Gene Francis, Sara Martinez-Alonso, John Gille, 2016: MOPITT in LANCE. OpenSky.

There are 18 Posters & Presentations.

Other Documents

There are 0 Other Documents.

There are 188 total publications.

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