CGD Publications: Calendar Year 2015

Journal Articles

Abe-Ouchi, A., F. Saito, M. Kageyama, P. Braconnot, S. Harrison, K. Lambeck, Bette Otto-Bliesner, W. Peltier, L. Tarasov, J.-Y. Peterschmitt, K. Takahashi, 2015: Ice-sheet configuration in the CMIP5/PMIP3 Last Glacial Maximum experiments. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Albani, S., N. Mahowald, G. Winckler, R. Anderson, L. Bradtmiller, B. Delmonte, R. François, M. Goman, N. Heavens, P. Hesse, S. Hovan, S. Kang, K. Kohfeld, H. Lu, V. Maggi, J. Mason, P. Mayewski, D. McGee, X. Miao, Bette Otto-Bliesner, A. Perry, A. Pourmand, H. Roberts, Nan Rosenbloom, T. Stevens, J. Sun, 2015: Twelve thousand years of dust: The Holocene global dust cycle constrained by natural archives. Climate of the Past, OpenSky.

Ali, Ashehad, Chonggang Xu, Alistair Rogers, Nathan McDowell, Belinda Medlyn, Rosemary Fisher, Stan Wullschleger, Peter Reich, Jasper Vrugt, William Bauerle, Louis Santiago, Cathy Wilson, 2015: Global-scale environmental control of plant photosynthetic capacity. Ecological Applications, OpenSky.

Anderegg, William, Jeffrey Hicke, Rosie Fisher, Craig Allen, Juliann Aukema, Barbara Bentz, Sharon Hood, Jeremy Lichstein, Alison Macalady, Nate McDowell, Yude Pan, Kenneth Raffa, Anna Sala, John Shaw, Nathan Stephenson, Christina Tague, Melanie Zeppel, 2015: Tree mortality from drought, insects, and their interactions in a changing climate. New Phytologist, OpenSky.

Anderson, R., M.-H. Lo, Sean Swenson, J. Famiglietti, Q. Tang, T. Skaggs, Y.-H. Lin, R. Wu, 2015: Using satellite-based estimates of evapotranspiration and groundwater changes to determine anthropogenic water fluxes in land surface models. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Bachman, S., B. Fox-Kemper, Frank Bryan, 2015: A tracer-based inversion method for diagnosing eddy-induced diffusivity and advection. Ocean Modelling, OpenSky.

Baker, Allison, Dorit Hammerling, Michael Levy, Haiying Xu, John Dennis, Brian Eaton, James Edwards, Cecile Hannay, Sheri Mickelson, Richard Neale, Doug Nychka, Jay Shollenberger, Joseph Tribbia, Mariana Vertenstein, David Williamson, 2015: A new ensemble-based consistency test for the Community Earth System Model (pyCECT v1.0). Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Berg, Alexis, Benjamin Lintner, Kirsten Findell, Sonia Seneviratne, Bart van den Hurk, Agnès Ducharne, Frédérique Chéruy, Stefan Hagemann, David Lawrence, Sergey Malyshev, Arndt Meier, Pierre Gentine, 2015: Interannual coupling between summertime surface temperature and precipitation over land: Processes and implications for climate change. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Berner, Judith, Kathryn Fossell, Soyoung Ha, Joshua Hacker, Chris Snyder, 2015: Increasing the skill of probabilistic forecasts: Understanding performance improvements from model-error representations. Monthly Weather Review, OpenSky.

Bishop, Stuart, Frank Bryan, R. Justin Small, 2015: Bjerknes-like compensation in the wintertime North Pacific. Journal of Physical Oceanography, OpenSky.

Boer, George, Gerald A. Meehl, Doug Smith, 2015: Toward improving decadal climate predictions. Eos, OpenSky.

Bothe, O., M. Evans, L. Fernandez Denado, E. Garcia Bustamante, J. Gergis, J. GonzalezRouco, H. Goosse, G. Hegerl, A. Hind, J. Jungclaus, D. Kaufman, Flavio Lehner, N. McKay, A. Moberg, C. Raible, A. Schurer, F. Shi, 2015: Continental-scale temperature variability in PMIP3 simulations and PAGES 2k regional temperature reconstructions over the past millennium. Climate of the Past, OpenSky.

Bracco, Annalisa, Matthew Long, Naomi Levine, R. Thomas, Curtis Deutsch, Galen McKinley, 2015: NCAR's Summer Colloquium: Capacity building in cross-disciplinary research of earth system carbon-climate connections. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Bryan, Frank, Scott Bachman, 2015: Isohaline salinity budget of the North Atlantic salinity maximum. Journal of Physical Oceanography, OpenSky.

Burakowski, Elizabeth, Scott Ollinger, Lucie Lepine, Crystal Schaaf, Zhuosen Wang, Jack Dibb, David Hollinger, JiHyun Kim, Angel Erb, Mary Martin, 2015: Spatial scaling of reflectance and surface albedo over a mixed-use, temperate forest landscape during snow-covered periods. Remote Sensing of Environment, OpenSky.

Buzan, J., Keith Oleson, M. Huber, 2015: Implementation and comparison of a suite of heat stress metrics within the Community Land Model version 4.5. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Chen, Han-Ching, Chung-Hsiung Sui, Yuheng Tseng, Bohua Huang, 2015: An analysis of the linkage of Pacific subtropical cells with the recharge--discharge processes in ENSO evolution. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Chikamoto, Yoshimitsu, Axel Timmermann, Samantha Stevenson, Pedro DiNezio, Sally Langford, 2015: Decadal predictability of soil water, vegetation, and wildfire frequency over North America. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Clark, Martyn, Ying Fan, David Lawrence, Jennifer Adam, Diogo Bolster, David Gochis, Richard Hooper, Mukesh Kumar, L. Leung, D. Mackay, Reed Maxwell, Chaopeng Shen, Sean Swenson, Xubin Zeng, 2015: Improving the representation of hydrologic processes in Earth System Models. Water Resources Research, OpenSky.

Cleveland, Cory, Philip Taylor, K. Chadwick, Kyla Dahlin, Christopher Doughty, Yadvinder Malhi, W. Smith, Benjamin Sullivan, William Wieder, Alan Townsend, 2015: A comparison of plot-based satellite and Earth system model estimates of tropical forest net primary production. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, OpenSky.

Craig, Anthony, Sheri Mickelson, Elizabeth Hunke, David Bailey, 2015: Improved parallel performance of the CICE model in CESM1. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, OpenSky.

D'Arrigo, Rosanne, Rob Wilson, Greg Wiles, Kevin Anchukaitis, Olga Solomina, Nicole Davi, Clara Deser, Ekaterina Dolgova, 2015: Tree-ring reconstructed temperature index for coastal northern Japan: Implications for western North Pacific variability. International Journal of Climatology, OpenSky.

Dahlin, Kyla, Rosemary Fisher, Peter Lawrence, 2015: Environmental drivers of drought deciduous phenology in the Community Land Model. Biogeosciences, OpenSky.

Deser, Clara, Robert Tomas, Lantao Sun, 2015: The role of ocean-atmosphere coupling in the zonal-mean atmospheric response to Arctic Sea ice loss. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Ding, Ruiqiang, Jianping Li, Yu-heng Tseng, 2015: The impact of South Pacific extratropical forcing on ENSO and comparisons with the North Pacific. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Ding, Ruiqiang, Jianping Li, Yuheng Tseng, Chengqing Ruan, 2015: Influence of the North Pacific Victoria mode on the Pacific ITCZ summer precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Ding, Ruiqiang, Jianping Li, Yuheng Tseng, Cheng Sun, Yipeng Guo, 2015: The Victoria mode in the North Pacific linking extratropical sea level pressure variations to ENSO. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Dolan, A., S. Hunter, D. Hill, A. Haywood, S. Koenig, Bette Otto-Bliesner, A. Abe-Ouchi, F. Bragg, W.-L. Chan, M. Chandler, C. Contoux, A. Jost, Y. Kamae, G. Lohmann, D. Lunt, G. Ramstein, Nan Rosenbloom, L. Sohl, C. Stepanek, H. Ueda, Q. Yan, Z. Zhang, 2015: Using results from the PlioMIP ensemble to investigate the Greenland Ice Sheet during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period. Climate of the Past, OpenSky.

Downes, Stephanie, Riccardo Farneti, Petteri Uotila, Stephen Griffies, Simon Marsland, David Bailey, Erik Behrens, Mats Bentsen, Daohua Bi, Arne Biastoch, Claus Böning, Alexandra Bozec, Vittorio Canuto, Eric Chassignet, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Sergey Danilov, Nikolay Diansky, Helge Drange, Pier Fogli, Anatoly Gusev, Armando Howard, Mehmet Ilicak, Thomas Jung, Maxwell Kelley, William Large, Anthony Leboissetier, Matthew Long, Jianhua Lu, Simona Masina, Akhilesh Mishra, Antonio Navarra, A. Nurser, Lavinia Patara, Bonita Samuels, Dmitry Sidorenko, Paul Spence, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Qiang Wang, Stephen Yeager, 2015: An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea ice during 1988-2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, OpenSky.

English, Jason, Andrew Gettelman, Gina Henderson, 2015: Arctic radiative fluxes: Present-day biases and future projections in CMIP5 models. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Farneti, Riccardo, Stephanie Downes, Stephen Griffies, Simon Marsland, Erik Behrens, Mats Bentsen, Daohua Bi, Arne Biastoch, Claus Böning, Alexandra Bozec, Vittorio Canuto, Eric Chassignet, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Sergey Danilov, Nikolay Diansky, Helge Drange, Pier Fogli, Anatoly Gusev, Robert Hallberg, Armando Howard, Mehmet Ilicak, Thomas Jung, Maxwell Kelley, William Large, Anthony Leboissetier, Matthew Long, Jianhua Lu, Simona Masina, Akhilesh Mishra, Antonio Navarra, A. Nurser, Lavinia Patara, Bonita Samuels, Dmitry Sidorenko, Hiroyuki Tsujino, Petteri Uotila, Qiang Wang, Stephen Yeager, 2015: An assessment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation during 1958-2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, OpenSky.

Fasullo, John, Benjamin Sanderson, Kevin Trenberth, 2015: Recent progress in constraining climate sensitivity with model ensembles. Current Climate Change Reports, OpenSky.

Fine, Elizabeth, Frank Bryan, William Large, David Bailey, 2015: An initial estimate of the global distribution of diurnal variation in sea surface salinity. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, OpenSky.

Fisher, Rosemary, Stefan Muszala, Mariana Vertenstein, Peter Lawrence, C. Xu, N. McDowell, R. Knox, C. Koven, J. Holm, B. Rogers, A. Spessa, David Lawrence, Gordon Bonan, 2015: Taking off the training wheels: The properties of a dynamic vegetation model without climate envelopes, CLM4.5(ED). Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Fitch, Anna, 2015: Climate impacts of large-scale wind farms as parameterized in a global climate model. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Frank, D., B. Poulter, M. Saurer, J. Esper, C. Huntingford, G. Helle, K. Treydte, N. Zimmermann, G. Schleser, A. Ahlström, P. Ciais, P. Friedlingstein, Samuel Levis, M. Lomas, S. Sitch, N. Viovy, L. Andreu-Hayles, Z. Bednarz, F. Berninger, T. Boettger, C. D‘Alessandro, V. Daux, M. Filot, M. Grabner, E. Gutierrez, M. Haupt, E. Hilasvuori, H. Jungner, M. Kalela-Brundin, M. Krapiec, M. Leuenberger, N. Loader, H. Marah, V. Masson-Delmotte, A. Pazdur, S. Pawelczyk, M. Pierre, O. Planells, R. Pukiene, C. Reynolds-Henne, K. Rinne, A. Saracino, E. Sonninen, M. Stievenard, V. Switsur, M. Szczepanek, E. Szychowska-Krapiec, L. Todaro, J. Waterhouse, M. Weigl, 2015: Water-use efficiency and transpiration across European forests during the Anthropocene. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Franzke, Christian, Terence O'Kane, Judith Berner, Paul Williams, Valerio Lucarini, 2015: Stochastic climate theory and modeling. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, OpenSky.

Gettelman, Andrew, D. Shindell, Jean-Francois Lamarque, 2015: Impact of aerosol radiative effects on 2000-2010 surface temperatures. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Gettelman, Andrew, T. Wang, 2015: Structural diagnostics of the tropopause inversion layer and its evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Gettelman, Andrew, 2015: Putting the clouds back in aerosol-cloud interactions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Gettelman, Andrew, Anja Schmidt, Jon Kristjansson, 2015: Icelandic volcanic emissions and climate. Nature Geoscience, OpenSky.

Gettelman, Andrew, Hugh Morrison, 2015: Advanced two-moment bulk microphysics for global models. Part I: Off-line tests and comparison with other schemes. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Gettelman, Andrew, Hugh Morrison, Sean Santos, Peter Bogenschutz, P. Caldwell, 2015: Advanced two-moment bulk microphysics for global models. Part II: Global model solutions and aerosol-cloud interactions. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Grise, Kevin, Lorenzo Polvani, John Fasullo, 2015: Reexamining the relationship between climate sensitivity and the Southern Hemisphere radiation budget in CMIP models. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Grodsky, Semyon, Benjamin Johnson, James Carton, Frank Bryan, 2015: Interannual Caribbean salinity in satellite data and model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, OpenSky.

Guo, Zhun, Minghuai Wang, Yun Qian, Vincent Larson, Steven Ghan, Mikhail Ovchinnikov, Peter Bogenschutz, Andrew Gettelman, Tianjun Zhou, 2015: Parametric behaviors of CLUBB in simulations of low clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

Ha, Soyoung, Judith Berner, Chris Snyder, 2015: A comparison of model error representations in mesoscale ensemble data assimilation. Monthly Weather Review, OpenSky.

Heavens, Nicholas, Natalie Mahowald, Gerilyn Soreghan, Michael Soreghan, Christine Shields, 2015: A model-based evaluation of tropical climate in Pangaea during the late Palaeozoic icehouse. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, OpenSky.

Hegerl, Gabriele, Emily Black, Richard Allan, William Ingram, Debbie Polson, Kevin Trenberth, Robin Chadwic, Phillip Arkin, Beena Sarojini, Andreas Becker, Aiguo Dai, Paul Durack, David Easterling, Hayley Fowler, Elizabeth Kendon, George Huffman, Chunlei Liu, Robert Marsh, Mark New, Timothy Osborn, Nikolaos Skliris, Peter Stott, Pier-Luigi Vidale, Susan Wijffels, Laura Wilcox, Kate Willett, Xuebin Zhang, 2015: Challenges in quantifying changes in the global water cycle. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Herger, Nadja, Benjamin Sanderson, Reto Knutti, 2015: Improved pattern scaling approaches for the use in climate impact studies. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Holland, Marika, Laura Landrum, 2015: Factors affecting projected Arctic surface shortwave heating and albedo change in coupled climate models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Series A, Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, OpenSky.

Hope, Pandora, Eun-Pa Lim, Guomin Wang, Harry Hendon, Julie Arblaster, 2015: Contributors to the record high temperatures across Australia in late spring 2014. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Hu, Aixue, Gerald Meehl, Weiqing Han, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Nan Rosenbloom, 2015: Effects of the Bering Strait closure on AMOC and global climate under different background climates. Progress in Oceanography, OpenSky.

Hurrell, James, Clara Deser, 2015: Northern Hemisphere climate variability during winter: Looking back on the work of Felix Exner. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, OpenSky.

Ito, Takamitsu, Annalisa Bracco, Curtis Deutsch, Hartmut Frenzel, Matthew Long, Yohei Takano, 2015: Sustained growth of the Southern Ocean carbon storage in a warming climate. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Jahn, Alexandra, Keith Lindsay, X. Giraud, N. Gruber, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Z. Liu, Esther Brady, 2015: Carbon isotopes in the ocean model of the Community Earth System Model (CESM1). Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Jiang, Jonathan, Hui Su, Chengxing Zhai, T. Shen, Tongwen Wu, Jie Zhang, Jason Cole, Knut von Salzen, Leo Donner, Charles Seman, Anthony Del Genio, Larissa Nazarenko, Jean-Louis Dufresne, Masahiro Watanabe, Cyril Morcrette, Tsuyoshi Koshiro, Hideaki Kawai, Andrew Gettelman, Luis Millán, William Read, Nathaniel Livesey, Yasko Kasai, Masato Shiotani, 2015: Evaluating the diurnal cycle of upper-tropospheric ice clouds in climate models using SMILES observations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Jiang, Xianan, Duane Waliser, Prince Xavier, Jon Petch, Nicholas Klingaman, Steven Woolnaugh, Bin Guan, Gilles Bellon, Traute Crueger, Charlotte DeMott, Cecile Hannay, Hai Lin, Wenting Hu, Daehyun Kim, Cara-Lyn Lappen, Mong-Ming Lu, Hsi-Yen Ma, Tomoki Miyakawa, James Ridout, Siegfried Schubert, John Scinocca, Kyong-Hwan Seo, Eiki Shindo, Xiaoliang Song, Cristiana Stan, Wan-Ling Tseng, Wanqiu Wang, Tongwen Wu, Xiaoqing Wu, Klaus Wyser, Guang Zhang, Hongyan Zhu, 2015: Vertical structure and physical processes of the Madden-Julian oscillation: Exploring key model physics in climate simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Johansson, Daniel, Brian O'Neill, Claudia Tebaldi, Olle Häggström, 2015: Equilibrium climate sensitivity in light of observations over the warming hiatus. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Jones, Bryan, Brian O'Neill, Larry McDaniel, Seth McGinnis, Linda Mearns, Claudia Tebaldi, 2015: Future population exposure to US heat extremes. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Karspeck, Alicia, Stephen Yeager, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Haiyan Teng, 2015: An evaluation of experimental decadal predictions using CCSM4. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Kay, E., Clara Deser, Adam Phillips, Andrew Mai, Cecile Hannay, Gary Strand, Julie Arblaster, Susan Bates, Gokhan Danabasoglu, James Edwards, Marika Holland, P. Kushner, Jean-Francois Lamarque, David Lawrence, Keith Lindsay, Adrianne Middleton, Ernesto Munoz Acevedo, Richard Neale, Keith Oleson, L. Polvani, Mariana Vertenstein, 2015: The Community Earth System Model (CESM) large ensemble project: A community resource for studying climate change in the presence of internal climate variability. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Keller, Kathrin, Fortunat Joos, Flavio Lehner, Christoph Raible, 2015: Detecting changes in marine responses to ENSO from 850 to 2100 C.E.: Insights from the ocean carbon cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Khouider, Boualem, Mitchell Moncrieff, 2015: Organized convection parameterization for the ITCZ. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Kleppin, Hannah, Markus Jochum, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Christine Shields, Stephen Yeager, 2015: Stochastic atmospheric forcing as a cause of Greenland climate transitions. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Kleypas, Joanie, Frederic Castruccio, Enrique Curchitser, Elizabeth Mcleod, 2015: The impact of ENSO on coral heat stress in the western equatorial Pacific. Global Change Biology, OpenSky.

Kleypas, Joanie, 2015: Oceans: Invisible barriers to dispersal. Science, OpenSky.

Klingaman, Nicholas, Steven Woolnaugh, Xianan Jiang, Duane Waliser, Prince Xavier, Jon Petch, Mihaela Caian, Cecile Hannay, Daehyun Kim, Hsi-Yen Ma, William Merryfield, Tomoki Miyakawa, Mike Pritchard, James Ridout, Romain Roehrig, Eiki Shindo, Frederic Vitart, Hailan Wang, Nicholas Cavanaugh, Brian Mapes, Ann Shelly, Guang Zhang, 2015: Vertical structure and physical processes of the Madden-Julian oscillation: Linking hindcast fidelity to simulated diabatic heating and moistening. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Kopp, Robert, Benjamin Horton, Andrew Kemp, Claudia Tebaldi, 2015: Past and future sea-level rise along the coast of North Carolina, USA. Climatic Change, OpenSky.

Koven, C., E. Schuur, C. Schädel, T. Bohn, E. Burke, G. Chen, X. Chen, P. Ciais, G. Grosse, J. Harden, J. Hayes, G. Hugelius, E. Jafarov, G. Krinner, P. Kuhry, David Lawrence, A. MacDougall, S. Marchenko, A. McGuire, S. Natali, D. Nicolsky, D. Olefeldt, S. Peng, V. Romanovsky, K. Schaefer, J. Strauss, C. Treat, M. Turetsky, 2015: A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon–climate feedback. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Series A, Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, OpenSky.

Koven, Charles, David Lawrence, William Riley, 2015: Permafrost carbon-climate feedback is sensitive to deep soil carbon decomposability but not deep soil nitrogen dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, OpenSky.

Kubar, Terence, Graeme Stephens, Matthew Lebsock, Vincent Larson, Peter Bogenschutz, 2015: Regional assessments of low clouds against large-scale stability in CAM5 and CAM-CLUBB using MODIS and ERA-interim reanalysis data. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Kumar, Sanjiv, Richard Allan, Francis Zwiers, David Lawrence, Paul Dirmeyer, 2015: Revisiting trends in wetness and dryness in the presence of internal climate variability and water limitations over land. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Lane, Todd, Mitchell Moncrieff, 2015: Long-lived Mesoscale systems in a low-convective inhibition environment. Part I: Upshear propagation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Large, William, Julie Caron, 2015: Diurnal cycling of sea surface temperature, salinity, and current in the CESM coupled climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, OpenSky.

Lauritzen, Peter, Andrew Conley, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Francis Vitt, M. Taylor, 2015: The terminator "toy" chemistry test: A simple tool to assess errors in transport schemes. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Lauritzen, Peter, Julio Bacmeister, Patrick Callaghan, M. Taylor, 2015: NCAR_Topo (v1.0): NCAR global model topography generation software for unstructured grids. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Lehner, Flavio, F. Joos, C. Raible, J. Mignot, A. Born, K. Keller, T. Stocker, 2015: Climate and carbon cycle dynamics in a CESM simulation from 850 to 2100 CE. Earth System Dynamics, OpenSky.

Lehner, Flavio, Thomas Stocker, 2015: From local perception to global perspective. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Light, Bonnie, Suzanne Dickinson, Donald Perovich, Marika Holland, 2015: Evolution of summer Arctic sea ice albedo in CCSM4 simulations: Episodic summer snowfall and frozen summers. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, OpenSky.

Lin, Lei, Andrew Gettelman, Song Feng, Qiang Fu, 2015: Simulated climatology and evolution of aridity in the 21st century. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Lindstrom, Eric, Frank Bryan, Ray Schmitt, 2015: SPURS: Salinity processes in the upper-ocean regional study-- The North Atlantic experiment. Oceanography, OpenSky.

Liu, Wei, Aixue Hu, 2015: The role of the PMOC in modulating the deglacial shift of the ITCZ. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Lofverstrom, Marcus, Johan Liakka, Johan Kleman, 2015: The North American Cordillera--An impediment to growing the continent-wide Laurentide ice sheet. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Lombardozzi, Danica, Gordon Bonan, Nicholas Smith, Jeffrey Dukes, Rosie Fisher, 2015: Temperature acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration: A key uncertainty in the carbon cycle-climate feedback. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Lombardozzi, Danica, Samuel Levis, Gordon Bonan, P. Hess, J. Sparks, 2015: The influence of chronic ozone exposure on global carbon and water cycles. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Long, Matthew, Keith Lindsay, Marika Holland, 2015: Modeling photosynthesis in sea ice-covered waters. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

Lovenduski, N., Matthew Long, Keith Lindsay, 2015: Natural variability in the surface ocean carbonate ion concentration. Biogeosciences, OpenSky.

Lu, Ning, Jun Qin, Yang Gao, Kun Yang, Kevin Trenberth, Maria Gehne, Yunqiang Zhu, 2015: Trends and variability in atmospheric precipitable water over the Tibetan Plateau for 2000–2010. International Journal of Climatology, OpenSky.

Lu, Ning, Kevin Trenberth, Jun Qin, Kun Yang, Ling Yao, 2015: Detecting long-term trends in precipitable water over the Tibetan Plateau by synthesis of station and MODIS observations. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Matus, Alexander, Tristan L’Ecuyer, Jennifer Kay, Cecile Hannay, Jean-Francois Lamarque, 2015: The role of clouds in modulating global aerosol direct radiative effects in spaceborne active observations and the Community Earth System Model. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Mayewski, P., C. Bracegirdle, I. Goodwin, David Schneider, N. Bertler, S. Birkel, A. Carleton, M. England, J.-H. Kang, A. Khan, J. Russell, J. Turner, I. Velicogna, 2015: Potential for Southern Hemisphere climate surprises. Journal of Quaternary Science, OpenSky.

Medeiros, Brian, Bjorn Stevens, Sandrine Bony, 2015: Using aquaplanets to understand the robust responses of comprehensive climate models to forcing. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Meehl, Gerald, 2015: Decadal climate variability and the early-2000s hiatus. Newsletter, U.S. CLIVAR Variations, OpenSky.

Meehl, Gerald, Haiyan Teng, Nicola Maher, Matthew England, 2015: Effects of the Mount Pinatubo eruption on decadal climate prediction skill of Pacific sea surface temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Meehl, Gerald, Julie Arblaster, Christine Chung, 2015: Disappearance of the southeast U.S. "warming hole" with the late 1990s transition of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Molod, A., L. Takacs, M. Suarez, Julio Bacmeister, 2015: Development of the GEOS-5 atmospheric general circulation model: Evolution from MERRA to MERRA2. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Moncrieff, Mitchell, Todd Lane, 2015: Long-lived mesoscale systems in a low-convective inhibition environment. Part II: Downshear propagation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Nawrotzki, Raphael, Leiwen Jiang, 2015: Indirectly estimating international net migration flows by age and gender. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, OpenSky.

Nuijens, Louise, Brian Medeiros, Irina Sandu, Maike Ahlgrimm, 2015: Observed and modeled patterns of covariability between low-level cloudiness and the structure of the trade-wind layer. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

Nuijens, Louise, Brian Medeiros, Irina Sandu, Maike Ahlgrimm, 2015: The behavior of trade-wind cloudiness in observations and models: The major cloud components and their variability. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

O'Neill, Brian, Leiwen Jiang, Patrick Gerland, 2015: Plausible reductions in future population growth and implications for the environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, OpenSky.

Oh, Ji-Hyun, Xianan Jiang, Duane Waliser, Mitchell Moncrieff, Richard Johnson, Paul Ciesielski, 2015: A momentum budget analysis of westerly wind events associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation during DYNAMO. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Oh, Ji-Hyun, Xianan Jiang, Duane Waliser, Mitchell Moncrieff, Richard Johnson, 2015: Convective momentum transport associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation based on a reanalysis dataset. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Oleson, Keith, Andrew Monaghan, Olga Wilhelmi, Michael Barlage, N. Brunsell, J. Feddema, L. Hu, Daniel Steinhoff, 2015: Interactions between urbanization, heat stress, and climate change. Climatic Change, OpenSky.

Ortega, Pablo, Flavio Lehner, Didier Swingedouw, Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Christoph Raible, Mathieu Casado, Pascal Yiou, 2015: A model-tested North Atlantic Oscillation reconstruction for the past millennium. Nature, OpenSky.

Pausata, Francesco, Marcus Lofverstrom, 2015: On the enigmatic similarity in Greenland δ¹⁸O between the Oldest and Younger Dryas. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Pendergrass, Angeline, Flavio Lehner, Benjamin Sanderson, Yangyang Xu, 2015: Does extreme precipitation intensity depend on the emissions scenario?. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Prowse, T., A. Bring, J. Mård, E. Carmack, Marika Holland, A. Instanes, T. Vihma, F. Wrona, 2015: Arctic Freshwater Synthesis: Summary of key emerging issues. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, OpenSky.

Qian, Yun, Huiping Yan, Zhangshuan Hou, Gardar Johannesson, Stephen Klein, Donald Lucas, Richard Neale, Philip Rasch, Laura Swile, John Tannahill, Hailong Wang, Minghuai Wang, Chun Zhao, 2015: Parametric sensitivity analysis of precipitation at global and local scales in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

Randerson, J., Keith Lindsay, Ernesto Munoz Acevedo, W. Fu, J. Moore, F. Hoffman, N. Mahowald, S. Doney, 2015: Multicentury changes in ocean and land contributions to the climate-carbon feedback. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, OpenSky.

Rawlins, M., A. McGuire, J. Kimbal, P. Dass, David Lawrence, E. Burke, X. Chen, C. Delire, C. Koven, A. MacDougall, S. Peng, A. Rinke, K. Saito, W. Zhang, R. Alkama, T. Bohn, P. Ciais, B. Decharme, I. Gouttevin, T. Hajima, D. Ji, G. Krinner, D. Lettenmaier, P. Miller, J. Moore, B. Smith, T. Sueyoshi, 2015: Assessment of model estimates of land-atmosphere CO₂ exchange across Northern Eurasia. Biogeosciences, OpenSky.

Reed, Kevin, Julio Bacmeister, Nan Rosenbloom, M. Wehner, Susan Bates, Peter Lauritzen, John Truesdale, Cecile Hannay, 2015: Impact of the dynamical core on the direct simulation of tropical cyclones in a high-resolution global model. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Reed, Kevin, Brian Medeiros, Julio Bacmeister, Peter Lauritzen, 2015: Global radiative-convective equilibrium in the Community Atmosphere Model, version 5. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Richey, Alexandra, Brian Thomas, Min-Hui Lo, John Reager, James Famiglietti, Katalyn Voss, Sean Swenson, Matthew Rodell, 2015: Quantifying renewable groundwater stress with GRACE. Water Resources Research, OpenSky.

Richey, Alexandra, Brian Thomas, Min-Hui Lo, James Famiglietti, Sean Swenson, Matthew Rodell, 2015: Uncertainty in global groundwater storage estimates in a Total Groundwater Stress framework. Water Resources Research, OpenSky.

Richter, Jadwiga, Clara Deser, L. Sun, 2015: Effects of stratospheric variability on El Niño teleconnections. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Sakaguchi, Koichi, L. Leung, Chun Zhao, Qing Yang, Jian Lu, Samson Hagos, Sara Rauscher, Li Dong, Todd Ringler, Peter Lauritzen, 2015: Exploring a multiresolution approach using AMIP simulations. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Sanderson, Benjamin, Reto Knutti, Peter Caldwell, 2015: Addressing interdependency in a multimodel ensemble by interpolation of model properties. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Sanderson, Benjamin, Reto Knutti, Peter Caldwell, 2015: A representative democracy to reduce interdependency in a multimodel ensemble. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Schneider, David, Clara Deser, Tingting Fan, 2015: Comparing the impacts of tropical SST variability and Polar stratospheric ozone loss on the Southern Ocean westerly winds. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Schuur, E., A. McGuire, C. Schädel, G. Grosse, J. Harden, D. Hayes, G. Hugelius, C. Koven, P. Kuhry, David Lawrence, S. Natali, D. Olefeldt, V. Romanovsky, K. Schaefer, M. Turetsky, C. Treat, E. Vonk, 2015: Climate change and the permafrost carbon feedback. Nature, OpenSky.

Screen, James, Clara Deser, Lantao Sun, 2015: Projected changes in regional climate extremes arising from Arctic sea ice loss. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Screen, James, Clara Deser, Lantao Sun, 2015: Reduced risk of North American cold extremes due to continued Arctic Sea ice loss. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Shakun, Jeremy, Peter Clark, Feng He, Nathaniel Lifton, Zhengyu Liu, Bette Otto-Bliesner, 2015: Regional and global forcing of glacier retreat during the last deglaciation. Nature Communications, OpenSky.

Shanahan, Timothy, Nicholas McKay, Konrad Hughen, Jonathan Overpeck, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Clifford Heil, John King, Christopher Scholz, John Peck, 2015: The time-transgressive termination of the African Humid Period. Nature Geoscience, OpenSky.

Sitch, S., P. Friedlingstein, N. Gruber, S. Jones, G. Murray-Tortarolo, A. Ahlström, S. Doney, H. Graven, C. Heinze, C. Huntingford, Samuel Levis, P. Levy, M. Lomas, B. Poulter, N. Viovy, S. Zaehle, N. Zeng, A. Arneth, Gordon Bonan, L. Bopp, J. Canadell, F. Chevallier, P. Ciais, R. Ellis, M. Gloor, P. Peylin, S. Piao, C. Le Quéré, B. Smith, Z. Zhu, R. Myneni, 2015: Recent trends and drivers of regional sources and sinks of carbon dioxide. Biogeosciences, OpenSky.

Small, R. Justin, Enrique Curchitser, Katherine Hedstrom, Brian Kauffman, William Large, 2015: The Benguela upwelling system: Quantifying the sensitivity to resolution and coastal wind representation in a global climate model. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Stevenson, Samantha, Axel Timmermann, Yoshimitsu Chikamoto, Sally Langford, Pedro DiNezio, 2015: Stochastically generated North American megadroughts. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Stevenson, Samantha, B. Powell, M. Merrifield, K. Cobb, J. Nusbaumer, D. Noone, 2015: Characterizing seawater oxygen isotopic variability in a regional ocean modeling framework: Implications for coral proxy records. Paleoceanography, OpenSky.

Sun, Lantao, Clara Deser, Robert Tomas, 2015: Mechanisms of stratospheric and tropospheric circulation response to projected Arctic sea ice loss. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Swart, Neil, John Fyfe, Ed Hawkins, Jennifer Kay, Alexandra Jahn, 2015: Influence of internal variability on Arctic sea-ice trends. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Swenson, Sean, David Lawrence, 2015: A GRACE-based assessment of interannual groundwater dynamics in the Community Land Model. Water Resources Research, OpenSky.

Takatama, Kohei, Shoshiro Minobe, Masaru Inatsu, R. Small, 2015: Diagnostics for near-surface wind response to the Gulf Stream in a regional atmospheric model. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Tawfik, Ahmed, Paul Dirmeyer, Joseph Santanello, 2015: The heated condensation framework. Part I: Description and Southern Great Plains case study. Journal of Hydrometeorology, OpenSky.

Tawfik, Ahmed, Paul Dirmeyer, Joseph Santanello, 2015: The heated condensation framework. Part II: Climatological behavior of convective initiation and land–atmosphere coupling over the conterminous United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, OpenSky.

Taylor, Philip, William Wieder, Samantha Weintraub, Sagy Cohen, Cory Cleveland, Alan Townsend, 2015: Organic forms dominate hydrologic nitrogen export from a lowland tropical watershed. Ecology, OpenSky.

Tebaldi, Claudia, Brian O'Neill, Jean-Francois Lamarque, 2015: Sensitivity of regional climate to global temperature and forcing. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Thayer-Calder, Kate, David Randall, 2015: A numerical investigation of boundary layer quasi-equilibrium. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Thayer-Calder, Katherine, Andrew Gettelman, Cheryl Craig, Steve Goldhaber, Peter Bogenschutz, Chih-Chieh Chen, Hugh Morrison, J. Höft, E. Raut, B. Griffin, J. Weber, V. Larson, M. Wyant, M. Wang, Z. Guo, S. Ghan, 2015: A unified parameterization of clouds and turbulence using CLUBB and subcolumns in the Community Atmosphere Model. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Thompson, David, Elizabeth Barnes, Clara Deser, William Foust, Adam Phillips, 2015: Quantifying the role of internal climate variability in future climate trends. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Trenberth, Kevin, John Fasullo, Theodore Shepherd, 2015: Attribution of climate extreme events. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Trenberth, Kevin, Yongxin Zhang, John Fasullo, Shoichi Taguchi, 2015: Climate variability and relationships between top-of-atmosphere radiation and temperatures on Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Trenberth, Kevin, 2015: Has there been a hiatus?. Science, OpenSky.

Trenberth, Kevin, Yongxin Zhang, John Fasullo, 2015: Relationships among top-of-atmosphere radiation and atmospheric state variables in observations and CESM. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, OpenSky.

Upchurch, Garland, Jeffrey Kiehl, Christine Shields, Jacquelyn Scherer, Christopher Scotese, 2015: Latitudinal temperature gradients and high-latitude temperatures during the latest Cretaceous: Congruence of geologic data and climate models. Geology, OpenSky.

Walsh, Kevin, Suzana Camargo, Gabriel Vecchi, Anne Daloz, James Elsner, Kerry Emanuel, Michael Horn, Young-Kwan Lim, Malcolm Roberts, Christina Patricola, Enrico Scoccimarro, Adam Sobel, Sarah Strazzo, Gabriele Villarini, Michael Wehner, Ming Zhao, James Kossin, Tim LaRow, Kazuyochi Oouchi, Siegfried Schubert, Hui Wang, Julio Bacmeister, Ping Chang, Fabrice Chauvin, Christiane Jablonowski, Arun Kumar, Hiroyuki Murakami, Tomoaki Ose, Kevin Reed, Ramalingam Saravanan, Yohei Yamada, Colin Zarzycky, Pier Vidale, Jeffrey Jonas, Naomi Henderson, 2015: Hurricanes and climate: The U.S. CLIVAR Working Group on Hurricanes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Wehner, Michael, Prabhat, Kevin Reed, Dáithí Stone, William Collins, Julio Bacmeister, 2015: Resolution dependence of future tropical cyclone projections of CAM5.1 in the U.S. CLIVAR Hurricane Working Group idealized configurations. Journal of Climate, OpenSky.

Wieder, William, Cory Cleveland, David Lawrence, Gordon Bonan, 2015: Effects of model structural uncertainty on carbon cycle projections: Biological nitrogen fixation as a case study. Environmental Research Letters, OpenSky.

Wieder, William, Steven Allison, Eric Davidson, Katerina Georgiou, Oleksandra Hararuk, Yujie He, Francesca Hopkins, Yiqi Luo, Matthew Smith, Benjamin Sulman, Katherine Todd-Brown, Ying-Ping Wang, Jianyang Xia, Xiaofeng Xu, 2015: Explicitly representing soil microbial processes in Earth system models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, OpenSky.

Wieder, William, Cory Cleveland, W. Smith, Katherine Todd-Brown, 2015: Future productivity and carbon storage limited by terrestrial nutrient availability. Nature Geoscience, OpenSky.

Wieder, William, A. Grandy, C. Kallenbach, P. Taylor, Gordon Bonan, 2015: Representing life in the Earth system with soil microbial functional traits in the MIMICS model. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Williamson, David, Jerry Olson, Cecile Hannay, Thomas Toniazzo, Mark Taylor, Valery Yudin, 2015: Energy considerations in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, OpenSky.

Winguth, Arne, Christine Shields, Cornelia Winguth, 2015: Transition into a hothouse world at the Permian--Triassic boundary—A model study. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, OpenSky.

Wong, May, William Skamarock, Peter Lauritzen, Joseph Klemp, Roland Stull, 2015: Testing of a cell-integrated semi-Lagrangian semi-implicit nonhydrostatic atmospheric solver (CSLAM-NH) with idealized orography. Monthly Weather Review, OpenSky.

Wood, Robert, Matthew Wyant, Christopher Bretherton, Jasmine Rémillard, Pavlos Kollias, Jennifer Fletcher, Jayson Stemmler, Simone de Szoeke, Sandra Yuter, Matthew Miller, David Mechem, George Tselioudis, J. Chiu, Julian Mann, Ewan O'Connor, Robin Hogan, Xiquan Dong, Mark Miller, Virendra Ghate, Anne Jefferson, Qilong Min, Patrick Minnis, Rabindra Palikonda, Bruce Albrecht, Ed Luke, Cecile Hannay, Yanluan Lin, 2015: Clouds, aerosols, and precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer: An ARM Mobile Facility deployment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, OpenSky.

Wright, W., B. Gaun, Yuheng Tseng, E. Cook, K.-Y. Wei, S.-T. Chang, 2015: Reconstruction of the springtime East Asian Subtropical Jet and Western Pacific pattern from a millennial-length Taiwanese tree-ring chronology. Climate Dynamics, OpenSky.

Wyant, M., C. Bretherton, R. Wood, G. Carmichael, A. Clarke, J. Fast, R. George, W. Gustafson, Cecile Hannay, A. Lauer, Y. Lin, J.-J. Morcrette, J. Mulcahy, P. Saide, S. Spak, Q. Yang, 2015: Global and regional modeling of clouds and aerosols in the marine boundary layer during VOCALS: The VOCA intercomparison. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, OpenSky.

Xie, Shang-Ping, Clara Deser, Gabriel Vecchi, Matthew Collins, Thomas Delworth, Alex Hall, Ed Hawkins, Nathaniel Johnson, Christophe Cassou, Alessandra Giannini, Masahiro Watanabe, 2015: Towards predictive understanding of regional climate change. Nature Climate Change, OpenSky.

Yang, Huang, Lantao Sun, Gang Chen, 2015: Separating the mechanisms of transient responses to stratospheric ozone depletion-like cooling in an idealized atmospheric Model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

Yang, Wan, Wenyi Zhang, David Kargbo, Ruifu Yang, Yong Chen, Zeliang Chen, Abdul Kamara, Brima Kargbo, Sasikiran Kandula, Alicia Karspeck, Chao Liu, Jeffrey Shaman, 2015: Transmission network of the 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, OpenSky.

Yang, Yiing Jang, Sen Jan, Ming-Huei Chang, Joe Wang, Vigan Mensah, Tien-Hsia Kuo, Cheng-Ju Tsai, Chung-Yaung Lee, Magdalena Andres, Luca Centurioni, Yuheng Tseng, Wen-Der Liang, Jian-Wu Lai, 2015: Mean structure and fluctuations of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan from in situ and remote observations. Oceanography, OpenSky.

Yeager, Stephen, 2015: Topographic coupling of the Atlantic overturning and gyre circulations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, OpenSky.

Yeager, Stephen, Alicia Karspeck, Gokhan Danabasoglu, 2015: Predicted slowdown in the rate of Atlantic sea ice loss. Geophysical Research Letters, OpenSky.

Zanchettin, D., O. Bothe, Flavio Lehner, P. Ortega, C. Raible, D. Swingedouw, 2015: Reconciling reconstructed and simulated features of the winter Pacific/North American pattern in the early 19th century. Climate of the Past, OpenSky.

Zhang, Xinzhong, Dale Haidvogel, Daphne Munroe, Eric Powell, John Klinck, Roger Mann, Frederic Castruccio, 2015: Modeling larval connectivity of the Atlantic surfclams within the Middle Atlantic Bight: Model development, larval dispersal and metapopulation connectivity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, OpenSky.

van Ruijven, Bastiaan, Brian O'Neill, Jean Chateau, 2015: Methods for including income distribution in global CGE models for long-term climate change research. Energy Economics, OpenSky.

Žagar, N., Akira Kasahara, K. Terasaki, Joseph Tribbia, H. Tanaka, 2015: Normal-mode function representation of global 3-D data sets: Open-access software for the atmospheric research community. Geoscientific Model Development, OpenSky.

Žagar, Nedjeljka, Roberto Buizza, Joseph Tribbia, 2015: A three-dimensional multivariate modal analysis of atmospheric predictability with application to the ECMWF ensemble. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, OpenSky.

There are 169 Journal Articles.

Posters & Presentations

Baker, Allison H., Dorit Hammerling, Michael N. Levy, Haiying Xu, John M. Dennis, Brian E. Eaton, James Edwards, Cecile E. Hannay, Sheri A. Mickelson, Richard B. Neale, Doug Nychka, Jay A. Shollenberger, Joseph Tribbia, Mariana Vertenstein, David Williamson, D. Milroy, 2015: An ensemble-based consistency test for the Community Earth System Model. OpenSky.

Goldhaber, Steve, 2015: CAM history and I/O infrastructure changes [presentation]. OpenSky.

Hannay, Cecile, Julio Bacmeister, Richard Neale, John Truesdale, 2015: Bias corrected timeslice runs [poster]. OpenSky.

Hannay, Cecile, Richard Neale, 2015: CAM5.4 simulations: The good, the bad and the ugly [presentation]. OpenSky.

Hannay, Cecile, Julio Bacmeister, Richard Neale, John Truesdale, 2015: Bias corrected timeslice runs [poster]. OpenSky.

Mickelson, Sheri, Alice Bertini, 2015: Light-weight parallel Python tools within the CESM workflow [presentation]. OpenSky.

Mickelson, Sheri, Alice Bertini, 2015: CESM and POP workflow [presentation]. OpenSky.

Mickelson, Sheri, Alice Bertini, 2015: CESM Workflow Refactor Project [presentation]. OpenSky.

Mickelson, Sheri, Alice Bertini, 2015: CESM workflow plans [presentation]. OpenSky.

Mickelson, Sheri, Alice Bertini, 2015: CESM Workflow Refactor Project. OpenSky.

Raeder, Kevin, Alicia Karspeck, Jeffrey Anderson, 2015: DART perspectives on infrastructure challenges of high resolution and coupled data assimilation [presentation]. OpenSky.

Yeager, Stephen, 2015: Exploration of new POP grids for CESM2 [presentation]. OpenSky.

Yeager, Stephen, 2015: Reconstructing ocean/sea-ice variability over the 1871-2010 period using NOAA 20th century reanalysis [presentation]. OpenSky.

Yeager, Stephen, 2015: Should we expect a rebound of Arctic sea ice extent in coming years? Initialized predictions of AMOC and sea ice extent using CCSM4 [presentation]. OpenSky.

There are 14 Posters & Presentations.

Other Documents

Curchitser, Enrique, R. Small, Brian Kaufman, William Large, Kate Hedstrom, 2015: Regional climate modeling in the California Current System. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, OpenSky.

Kasahara, Akira, 2015: Serendipity : Research Career of One Scientist. OpenSky.

Loft, Richard, Aaron Andersen, Frank Bryan, John Dennis, Thomas Engel, Pam Gillman, David Hart, Irfan Elahi, Siddhartha Ghosh, Rory Kelly, Anke Kamrath, Gabriele Pfister, Matthias Rempel, R. Justin Small, William Skamarock, Michael Wiltberger, Bryan Shader, Po Chen, Benjamin Cash, 2015: Yellowstone: A dedicated resource for Earth System Science. Contemporary High Performance Computing: From Petascale toward Exascale, Volume Two, OpenSky.

Stevens, Bjorn, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Sandrine Bony, Gabi Hegerl, Gavin Schmidt, Steven Sherwood, Mark Webb, Myles Allen, Tim Andrews, James Annan, Kyle Armour, Nicolas Bellouin, Rodrigo Caballero, John Church, Michel Crucifix, Andrew Dessler, Tamsin Edwards, John Fasullo, Piers Forster, Olivier Geoffroy, Chris Golaz, Jonathan Gregory, Julia Hargreaves, Reto Knutti, Mojib Latif, Nic Lewis, Thorsten Mauritsen, David Sexton, Graeme Stephens, Rowan Sutton, Jessica Vial, Kosaka Yu, Mark Zelinka, 2015: RINGBERG15: Earth's climate sensitivities. OpenSky.

Trenberth, Kevin, 2015: Challenges for observing and modeling the global water cycle. Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle, OpenSky.

There are 5 Other Documents.

There are 188 total publications.

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