2024-01-01 FINN2.5 is now being produced in Near-Real-Time with filenames 'FINNv2.5.1_modvrs_nrt_*' MODIS and VIIRS rapid response fire counts are used, and combined as described in Wiedinmyer et al., GMD, 2023: https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-16-3873-2023 Fire emissions with VOC speciation for MOZART-T1, SAPRC99 and GEOS-Chem are labeled 'MOZART', 'SAPRC' and 'GEOSCHEM'. In addition, files labeled 'FINNv2.5.1_modvrs_nrt_base_FRP_' contain the non-VOC emissions (CO, CO2, NO, aerosols, etc.), as well as fire radiative power (FRP).