Asia-AQ Forecast Maps

Valid Forecast Dates:

December 1, 2023 through tomorrow.
Plot type:
February 2007
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Hr: 00 03 06 09
12 15 18 21
12:00 February 5, 2007


Time stamps are in UTC.
Press shift-refresh to reload all images.

More Information:

Browse directory index of all Asia-AQ plots;
updated about 7:30 AM daily.
WRF-Chem Configuration and Specifics.

Forecast Team:

Louisa Emmons (NCAR/ACOM)
Gabriele Pfister (NCAR/ACOM)
Wenfu Tang (NCAR/ACOM)
Jun Zhang (NCAR/ACOM)
David Fillmore (NCAR/ACOM)
Carl Drews (NCAR/ACOM)
Kyoung-Min Kim (NCAR/ACOM, Yonsei Univ)
Seunghwan Seo (NCAR/ACOM, Yonsei Univ)
Si-Wan Kim (NCAR/ACOM, Yonsei Univ)

Chemical species:
Selected date or altitude is out of range.
Chemical species:
Selected date or altitude is out of range.