Direct and almucantar sun measurements from Prede POM-01L. All times are local times. The complete dataset consists of 4 files. Each file is named using the timestamp when it was taken with the following extensions: - .dat file contains original unprocessed data from the instrument - .met file contains meteorological information - .obs file contains information on the time, location and scattering angles - .out file contains calculated particle size distribution, optical depth data, phase function .dat file The raw data from the instrument. Each measurement is indicated with a timestamp line, as shown in the example below time,H or V (for horizontal or vertical scan),date,site information 09:59:28,H,2006/03/07,Clalmanalco, NS run After that line, there is 7 columns of data (each column corresponds to a certain wavelength). The number of rows corresponds to the number of scattering angle measured and specified in the .obs file. The instrument outputs voltages measured by the detector. .met file The meteorological data contains pressure and ozone information with timestamp and GPS coordinates. .obs file Information on the project, GPS location and set of all possible scattering angles defined for the instument. .out file The output data calculated using Skyrad.PACK v.4.2. The data subsets are separated with metadata as in the followinf example TNo yyyy mm dd Hour Long Lat Hs SA(max) SA r i error (LP) 1 2006 3 4 11.41 -98.91 20.01 63.11 50.0 30.0 0 0 0.0365 ( 4) ** This is a line of information on conditions for measurement and analysis of analyzed data. There are serial number(TNo), year(yyyy), month(mm), day(dd), time(Hour), longitude(Long), latitude(Lat), solar height(Hs), maximum scattering angles for measurement(SA(max)) and for use(SA), retrieval flags for complex refractive index(r and i), retrieval error(error), number of iteration(LP) and convergence flag (*_or ** or __) in order from the left. If retrieval flag for complex refractive index(r/i) is positive, output value of the part corresponding to it(real/imaginary) is a retrieval. If it is zero, that is not a retrieval, but a value assumed to be the initial value of retrieval. The next section of the data subset is the refractive indices as shown in the following example Refractive Indices WL 0.4000 0.5000 0.6750 0.8700 1.0200 Cr 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 Ci -0.00500 -0.00500 -0.00500 -0.00500 -0.00500 Where WL : wavelength in micron Cr : real part of complex refractive index Ci : imaginary part of complex refractive index The next section of the data subset is the columnar particle size distribution as shown in the following example Radius Volume 1.209E-06 2.023E-11 1.768E-06 1.148E-10 2.586E-06 5.626E-10 3.782E-06 5.116E-09 5.530E-06 5.211E-08 8.087E-06 3.002E-07 1.183E-05 8.507E-07 1.729E-05 1.176E-06 2.529E-05 7.807E-07 3.698E-05 2.625E-07 5.408E-05 1.512E-07 7.908E-05 3.726E-07 1.156E-04 6.879E-07 1.691E-04 1.025E-06 2.473E-04 1.707E-06 3.617E-04 2.470E-06 5.289E-04 3.156E-06 7.734E-04 8.651E-06 1.131E-03 2.633E-05 1.654E-03 3.943E-05 where Radius: radius in centimeter Volume: volume spectrum dV/dlnr in cm3/cm2 The next section of the data subset is the particle cross section as shown in the following example Cross sections WL 0.4000 0.5000 0.6750 0.8700 1.0200 OPT 0.3010 0.2030 0.1059 0.0665 0.0798 TA 0.1942 0.1576 0.1161 0.0931 0.0836 WA 0.8776 0.8612 0.8330 0.8118 0.8057 where WL : wavelength in micron OPT: (measured) optical thickness TA : (retrieved) optical thickness WA : single scattering albedo The next section of the data subset is the sun position data as shown in the following example fg TH FI SCA AUR AURC -9 26.9 0.0 0.0 8.273E-05 -1.000E+00 1 26.9 6.6 3.0 4.951E-01 5.109E-01 1 26.9 8.9 4.0 3.275E-01 3.439E-01 1 26.9 11.1 5.0 2.600E-01 2.745E-01 1 26.9 15.5 7.0 2.046E-01 2.141E-01 1 26.9 22.2 10.0 1.723E-01 1.810E-01 where fg : flag for availability TH : zenith angle in degree FI : (relative to solar) azimuth angle in degree SA : scattering angle in degree AUR : measured sky radiance AURC: retrieved sky radiance Regarding flag for availability: fg = 1: available/ use for retrieval -1: not available/ no use for retrieval (abnormal positive data) 0: no use for analysis (out of usable scattering angles) -9: meaningless (direct data or negative data) The next section of the data subset is the phase function data as shown in the following example THETA POBSN(IW=1,NW) 0.0 3.642E+02 2.964E+02 2.305E+02 1.844E+02 1.520E+02 0.2 3.077E+02 2.655E+02 2.170E+02 1.777E+02 1.480E+02 0.4 1.868E+02 1.914E+02 1.811E+02 1.591E+02 1.365E+02 0.6 8.641E+01 1.132E+02 1.346E+02 1.325E+02 1.193E+02 where THETA : scattering angle in degree POBSN(IW=1,NW): normalized phase functions for the respective wavelengths Contact information Bill Eichinger Piotr Lewandowski University of Iowa University of Iowa 319-358-1053 319-358-7409