WRF-Chem Forecast Maps

Valid Forecast Dates:

May 1, 2019 through tomorrow.
February 2007
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Hr: 00 03 06 09
12 15 18 21
12:00 February 5, 2007


No forecasts will be available 26 July - 2 August 2021 due to a computer downtime.
Failure in the MODIS download resulted in zero fire emissions for 8-12 July 2021 forecast cycles.
The full 48-hours of d02 plots are not complete until about 1:15 PM Mountain Time.


Time stamps are in UTC.
Press shift-refresh to reload all images.
Starting 22 April 2020 the forecasts no longer include the inert tracers (2D & 3D Fire Tracers, Anthro Tracers, LBC Tracer).

More Information:

WRF-Chem and WRF Configuration and Specifics.
Evaluation and additional visualization.
MELODIES evaluation page.
Comparison with TOLNet stations.
See also WRF-Chem comparison with satellites.
The forecasts are part of the European Union Horizon
2020 AQ-WATCH project.

Forecast Team:

Rajesh Kumar (NCAR/RAL)
Gabriele Pfister (NCAR/ACOM)
Carl Drews (NCAR/ACOM)
Garth D'Attilo (NCAR/ACOM)
Shawn Honomichl (NCAR/ACOM).
We acknowledge the use of near-real time U.S. EPA AirNow surface monitoring data.


This is a research product and not intended for official guidance. For the operational U.S. air quality forecast please visit https://airnow.gov/. For information on air quality health effects and U.S. standards please visit https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/air-topics.

Chemical species:
Selected date or altitude is out of range.
Chemical species:
Selected date or altitude is out of range.