Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate World Climate Research Programme

National Science Foundation

The Extra-tropical UTLS:
observations, concepts and future directions

Community workshop at NCAR, Boulder, CO
October 19-22, 2009

New aircraft and satellite observations are fueling improved understanding of dynamical and chemical behavior of the extra-tropical upper troposphere – lower stratosphere (UTLS) region.

This workshop will focus on summarizing observational results derived from aircraft measurements (from recent campaigns and in-service aircraft), and satellite observations, aiming for a synthesis of key results and comparisons with theoretical understanding. We will aim to critically examine how observations can be used to evaluate and test models in the UTLS, and how models can complement the limitations of the observations. We will identify outstanding issues and gaps to be filled by future measurements and model developments.

Science themes:

  • Chemical, thermal and dynamical structure of the extratropical tropopause.
  • Transport pathways and timescales in the UTLS.
  • Coupling of large and small scale processes (transport and mixing).
  • Longer-term variability and composition changes in the UTLS.
  • Microphysics, aerosols and clouds.
  • Effects of deep convection on the UTLS.


Workshop registration is now closed. See the list of registered participants.


The agenda was updated on October 14.

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