Satellite Products and Chemical Forecasts for KORUS-AQ
KORUS-AQ: An International Cooperative Air Quality Field Study in Korea is an aircraft campaign in Korea May-June 2016 led jointly by NASA and the National Institute for Environmental Research (NIER) of Korea.
The ACOM/ACRESP group is providing a variety of products to support flight planning and analysis of the aircraft and ground-based measurements of the campaign.
Near-real-time MOPITT CO retrievals. Joint Near IR & Thermal IR retrievals of MOPITT radiances provide CO mixing ratio profiles. Maps at the surface and mid-troposphere, as well as total column are provided based on the Rapid Response product.
Near-real-time IASI CO retrievals. CO and many other gases are retrieved from measurements by the IASI instruments on the METOP-A and METOP-B satellites. Custom real-time plots are provided here of CO total columns.
FINN fire emissions. Fire emissions based on MODIS Rapid Response fire counts are calculated each day with Fire Inventory from NCAR (FINN) and used in the chemical forecasts.
CAM-chem/DART global chemistry simulations. CAM-chem simulations are run in real-time assimilating MOPITT CO retrievals using a 30-member ensemble with the DART framework. Three ensemble members (mean, min, max) are run in a deterministic 5-day forecast using the GEOS-5 meteorological forecasts. In addition to full chemistry, tracers of CO emissions from fires and anthropogenic sources are simulated. Plots of maps, time series profiles, and nominal flight track curtains are provided.
WRF tracer forecasts. Synthetic tracers of emissions from various sectors (mobile, area & point plus emissions from regions in China) are transported in WRF forecasts driven by GFS. See our document "WRF Tracer Forecast" for more details. You may also download and view our Google Earth overlays for KORUS-AQ, or view the latest WRF area and point maps directly.
FLEXPART Trajectories: Forward and back trajectories are calculated using FLEXPART from various sites in Korea and China (produced by Christoph Knote, LMU Munich).