8-9 January 2008
NCAR Center Green Building 1 Auditorium
Boulder, Colorado
8:30 Agenda Overview and Introductions (Elliot Atlas) PPT
8:45 Welcome (Guy Brasseur) PPT
Session 1: Scientific Overview and Issues
9:00 START08 Science Overview (Laura Pan) PDF
9:30 ExUTLS Dynamics and Transport (Ken Bowman) PDF
9:45 Gravity Waves from Jets/Fronts (Fuqing Zhang) PPT
10:00 ExUTLS Dynamics and Global Observations (Bill Randel) PPT
10:15 Break
10:30 Airborne Studies of Thunderstorms (Brian Ridley) PPT
10:45 Cirrus Clouds and Microphysics in ExUTLS (Andrew Heymsfield / Linnea Avallone) PPT
11:00 Cirrus Clouds Near the Mid-latitude Tropopause from CALIPSO (Steve Massie) PPT
11:15 UTLS Chemistry and Transport Issues in WACCM (Doug Kinnison) PPT
11:30 Transport Characteristics of the UTLS Region Based on Tracers with Different Lifetimes (Simone Tilmes) PDF
11:45 Mixing in the Vicinity of the Subtropical and Polar Jets - Observations (START05) versus CLaMS (Paul Konopka) PDF
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 HIPPO Program Overview (Steve Wofsy) PPT
2:05 HIPPO Global Carbon Cycle and START Gravitational Fractionation (Britt Stephens) PPT
2:25 Understanding our Atmosphere from Non-CO2 climate gases during HIPPO: Global Network and Aircraft Profiles. (Jim Elkins) PPT
2:40 ARCTAS Interaction/Arctic Biosphere Flights (Steve Wofsy) PPT
2:50 Breakout Objectives (Laura Pan)
3:00 Break
Session 2: Breakout groups
3:20-5:00 Breakout
B1. Instrument Payload Issues (Elliot Atlas / Instrument PIs and others)
B2. Forecast Plan Discussions (Ken Bowman / forecast working group and satellite team participants)
Session 3. Scientific Issues: continued
8:30 Chemistry Climate Modeling of the Extra-tropical UTLS: An Update on Model Inter-comparison and Evaluation with Observations (CCMVal). (Andrew Gettelman) PPT
8:45 Tracers in Simple Baroclinc Lifecycles (Lorenzo Polvani) PDF
9:00 HIRDLS Observations of ExUTLS and NRT Data during START08 (John Gille) PPT
9:15 Use of Satellite and Aircraft Observations to Characterize the Properties of Atmospheric Gravity Waves during START08 (Joan Alexander) PDF
9:30 AIRS and IASI Trace Gas Products (Jennifer Wei / Antonia Gambacorta) PPT
9:45 NRT Tropospheric and UTLS Ozone from OMI/MLS (Mark Olsen) PPT
10:00 Break
Session 4: Experiment Overview
10:30 -12:15 Measurements Overview and Discussions ( Elliot Atlas with Steve Wofsy, Fred Moore, Dale Hurst, Britt Stephens, Frank Flocke, Teresa Campos, Sean Davis, Mark Zondlo, Joshua Ballard, and MJ Mahoney)
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 Report from Day 1 Breakout Sessions I and II (15 min each, Wofsy and Bowman) PDF
2:00 Discussion of Flight Scenarios (Laura Pan and Steve Wofsy) PDF
2:30 Data Management and Field Catalog Issues (Ken Bowman PDF and Steve Williams PPT )
3:00 GV Data System and Instrument Integration Issues (Chris Webster) PPT
3:10 RAF Operations/Issues/Instrument Status (Pavel Romashkin PPT and Dave Rogers PPT )
3:30 Break
4:00 Discussion/Conclusion/Action items
5:00 Adjourn
For more information, contact Laura Pan (liwen, 303-497-1467).